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HOME The Sociology of Corruption

The cause of corruption is power mongering by incompetent persons.

How Triteness Creates Infallibility

To corrupters, the height of perfection is the absence of reality. They withdraw from realities, because they cannot handle reality in a competent manner. Success is the absence of reality.

This state is reactionary. Realities must exist before they can be opposed. The reaction is a response to something—the realities of other persons.

Both the emptiness and reactiveness leave nothing for constructivity. Someone else must make life possible, while corrupters must exploit their results. Exploitation is necessary to exist through destructivity.

The emptiness is more than a state of existence; it is a tactic. It has the purpose of eliminating opposition. Removing reality from opposition removes failure at handling reality. Results are then based on force rather than realities which corrupters cannot handle without being losers. They win through force where they would lose through realities.

The tactic is like a ray gun which zaps away the opposition. The ray gun is the stripping of reality from conflicts. It's like zapping a building to make it disappear or to reduce it to a pile of rubble.

This is how corrupters argue issues. They turn an issue into a pile of rubble, so they aren't losers due to their inability to handle realities.

One of the tactics is to speak tangentially. This means they pretend to be talking about some other subject, so the real subject can be slobbered around instead of properly developed.

They can't lose in the absence of reality. It makes them infallible. The lords of nothing there.


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