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Trumping The Social Structures


Trump isn't the source of Trumpism; he is simply the most visible manifestation of how fascism takes over a society.

What is so visible in the way the White House is run is the same methods used to take over all social structures by incompetent corrupters. It's just not as visible of a process elsewhere.

The process isn't an analysis, as if geniuses could outmaneuver a constitutional democracy. The process is nothing more than the application of corruption to destroying structured, social existence.

The most visible and significant part of the process is to get rid of anyone who will not worship the ruler and break laws to do so. There only has to be one ruler. Elsewhere, corrupters worship a power structure. Only the last step of the process puts an authoritarian autocrat in power.

Breaking laws is an essential part of the process, because destroying ordered existence is the purpose. Incompetent corrupters are defeated by ordered existence, because they are incapable of being winners where rationality is the standard. Breaking down the rationality that defeats them is destroying ordered existence.

In physics, this process goes back to the fraudulent measurement of Joule's constant in 1845. Everything that has occurred in physics since then has built fraud upon fraud. Relativity is an absurd contrivance for testing the process. Anyone who does not accept the obvious fraud is kicked out of physics.

An extreme fraud, such as relativity, serves as the test of who is willing to destroy rationality for the cause. Corrupters create extreme corruptions as a method of testing who is willing to destroy ordered existence in exchange for a power structure.

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP     



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