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The Starting-point Problem

July 28, 2021

Starting points determine or limit all that follows. That means starting points are the most critical part of doing something, and the starting points cannot be skipped over in evaluating anything. But corrupters always do.

Starting points determine methods and standards. Frauds skip over and misrepresent starting points while condemning the wrong persons and requiring the wrong solutions. Only the starting points can produce the right criticisms and right persons to blame.

Nowhere is this problem more definitive than in science. Science has the purpose of getting results right. That means science is determined at the starting points. But the starting points of science are the most technical areas. It means nonscientists don't have the slightest possibility of getting science right; yet they hijack the subject and impose corruption as their version of solutions.

Corrupters do the same thing on every subject, because it's their purpose to not get a subject right. That's what corruption means. Corrupters perpetrate fraud by getting everything wrong at the starting points and then use inappropriate reasons for blaming the wrong persons and imposing destructive solutions.

This includes everything conservatives do. They have no concern for (or knowledge of) methods and standards at starting points, while they blame vulnerable persons (and their sympathizers) and impose destructive solutions, such as blaming the lower classes for being couch potatoes and burning tax dollars on corporations as the solution.

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