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Sociology Of Corruption  61

Understanding Incompetence

July 26, 2022

Conservatives promote values as if other persons had the wrong values and correcting values would fix the problems of society. In doing that they ignore the methods required to solve problems. Solving problems is independent of values. The laws of the universe determine what the solutions to problems are independent of values.

Conservatives are that way because they are so incompetent that they want to shift purposes to anything other than solving problems. So they harp on values pretending that their superior values take care of everything with no attempt to solve problems.

Trump is an extreme example of what incompetence means. Trump's followers expected him to do all sorts of things, such as purging the government of homosexual liberals and having the military support the insurrection. They missed the fact that Trump wasn't capable of doing anything but tweeting and calling people names. He didn't get involved in governmental process or listen to explanations, because he didn't have a clue as to what government was.

Many analysts tried to explain Trump's base and what fly-overs were. They missed the most striking fact of the subject, which was the expectation of Trump's followers that he would carry out his fantasy claims which were so absurd that no one would have been able to carry them out, such as getting rid of the rust belt by bringing the manufacturing back.

So the nature of incompetence needs to be explained. One of the main elements of incompetence is telling someone else to do something without telling them how. An example was Trump telling the military to get our of Syria. All the military did was move fifty miles further east.

Another element of incompetence is picking up fantasy expectations, such as tariffs improving the import/export balance while someone else pays the fees. The fees are paid by consumers, not producers, while tariffs force trade to go somewhere else rather than shift the balance of trade for the imbecile dictator.

The use of force is another element of incompetence. Corrupters expect force to solve their problems, while force can only create problems for everyone and the imposers of the force are avoided and isolated. Solving problems requires alignment upon complex realities, which corrupters are incapable of doing.

The most striking thing about corrupters such as Trump is their disconnect from reality. Trump does not discuss realities or allow anyone to explain realities to him. Yet his followers expect him to produce solutions out of a vacuum of realities.

Demagoguery works that way. The absence of reality causes fools to assume the answers to everything come out of nothing, where explanations of realities are for fools. Reagan said, if you have to explain, you are already of loser. It means corrupters expect answers to spring from nothing, while rationality is for fools.

A major part of incompetence is the bliss of ignorance. Persons who don't acquire knowledge plug in whimsical assumptions for their missing reality. They assume they can wish solutions into existence.

Underlying the bliss of ignorance is a hate for abstract reality. All knowledge is abstract. That means knowledge is a human synthesis for representing complex relationships between realities.

When corrupters encounter knowledge, it places demands upon them and exposes them as incompetents. So they pretend that they are superior in their whimsicalness instead of incompetent in their stupidity. Whimsicalness is the tool that is used to transform stupidity into superiority.

Demagoguery is a process of acquiring power through corruption and using the power to represent the value of corruptness. Power creates the assumption of superiority for gullible fools who expect power mongers to translate their criminality into functional results. Examples are the slogans of conservatives, such as Make America Great Again, America first, patriotism or Tea Party.

Why do conservatives go for empty slogans and demagoguery? Because they assume emptiness is superior to the abstractions of rationality. Since abstract knowledge creates a problem for them, they assume it creates a problem for everyone. The only alternative they know for the problem of abstract knowledge is the whimsicalness of empty slogans.

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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