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Why They Can't Be Told

January 24, 2022

Corruption disconnects people from reality. There is a high degree of insecurity that corruptors acquire in their conflicts with reality. Whenever rationality is produced, it exposes their incompetence causing them to withdraw into a bubble that is disconnected from reality.

In the disconnected bubble of corruption, everything flows outward and nothing inward. Trying to tell them something is trying to get realities to flow inward for them.

Then there are secondary effects. Being disconnected from reality means the reality of corrupters does not increase. It takes a starting point of reality before increased reality can occur. Otherwise, attempts to increase their reality becomes nonsensical.

Corrupters lack the starting points needed for increasing their realities. One of the startling things about the insurrectionists is their gullibility in assuming there was some realism in Biden stealing the election and Trump having the information needed to prove it. Some of the insurrectionists actually thought they were going to save mankind from the Democrats.

That degree of gullibility stems from not having sufficient reality to function as a starting point in determining the reliability of newly encountered reality. When told Democrats were stealing the election, anyone with half a brain would have known that they had no method of doing so. Someone said a plumber's truck was carrying fake ballots, so the poor driver was assaulted only to find no fake ballots. That is not how elections are stolen.

You would think that persons who plan to take over the world would have some background reality on the nature of the problem. But it is the total lack of background reality that allows such assumptions to occur. The lack of background reality stems from shrinking into a bubble of self-centeredness which views external realities as threatening. Incredible fantasies are synthesized to replace external realities.

Imposing fantasized reality upon society is assumed to be the answer to everything in the view of corrupters. Fantasized realities include greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving. No objective reality can penetrate that bubble, because external realities are a threat to incompetent corrupters.

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