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When Control Replaces Rationality

February 5, 2022

Corruption creates a need for controlling other persons. The reason why is because corruption creates problems rather than solves them. With increasing problems, corrupters need to gain more while others gain less. It takes some doing to get that done, which is a control process.

Subservience is how the controlling is accomplished. It simplifies the process. Corrupters cannot handle complexities; so they need ultra simplicity, which includes homogeneity. Differences create obstacles for corrupters, so the differences are eliminated through subservience.

Life is based on the laws of the universe. Humans can only be a part of life by maintaining a compatible relationship to the unified reality that creates life. Rationality is the process that does that. It accounts for the objective realities that create and sustain life.

Without rationality, control is required as a substitute method of existence. Control is needed in the attempt to solve problems in a self-centered manner. In other words, everyone would be destroyed in an equal manner, unless control creates inequality when conflicts with everything exist. Some persons get more destroyed, so other persons get less destroyed, when control replaces rationality.

So, of course, corrupters are control freaks. They are trying to be winners by making everyone else losers in the absence of a compatible relationship to objective reality. It takes a lot of impositions to do that. Those impositions take the form of attempts to control.

Government was designed to prevent corrupters from doing that, because the victims do not want to be imposed upon in that manner. If there were no limits set, the impositions would be unlimited, which no one could survive. So governments set the limits to the impositions of corrupters.

Of course, it takes impositions to restrict impositions; so corrupters assume government is doing something unfair in imposing upon them. They claim government restrictions force them to fight their war with one hand tied behind their backs in their assumption that life must be a war which makes some persons winners by making other persons losers.

Obviously, someone has to solve their problems, or none get solved. But corrupters assume otherwise. They assume solutions to their problems spring magically from their destructivity, since they always gain from the loss that they impose upon others.

It's analogous to robbing banks and assuming crime is the answer to everything, because it solves their problems. Banks must spring from the criminality of robbing them.

You think I'm making this up? Here's their quote:

October 17, 2004, New York Times Magazine article by writer Ron Suskind, quoting an unnamed aide to George W. Bush:

The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

The quote shows a contempt for "reality" and what replaces reality in that view. Acting through force (imperialism) is assumed to be the alternative. The result is supposed to be the ability to dominate (actors through imperialism) as the source of some form of reality.

Control stripped of objective realities results in problems increasing rather than decreasing. The end result is Nazism. That means a mindless dictator goes off the rails and destroys everything.

The Nazis had a rudimentary form of modern technology to exploit, as engine-driven, wheeled transportation was replacing horses. That technology was a new form of power which caused the Nazis to assume they could rule the world with it. They rapidly ran into problems including a shortage of energy. One of their reasons for fighting wars was to steal energy.

The March To Fascism

Where Fake Science Came From

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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