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Weather Fraud


August 3, 2022

The heat and drought are being caused by a high pressure air mass parked over the west coast of the U.S. which is 3,000 miles wide. It has been increasing in size for several years.

High pressure air masses have almost no air motion with them. Air needs to move to cool the planet. Over oceans, moving air causes evaporation, which cools the air and adds moisture. Over land, the air needs to be moving away and replaced by cool ocean air. Otherwise, heat accumulates and has no moisture with it.

How come the public isn't being told that? Maybe it's the same reason why they are being told it has something to do with carbon dioxide, when there is no such thing as a greenhouse gas. Incompetents in science need fraud to prevail over rational persons; so they kick out real scientists and perpetrate fraud.

It's idiotic to assume one carbon dioxide molecule surrounded by 2,500 air molecules could heat the planet. Radiation absorbed by carbon dioxide is re-emitted in 83 femtoseconds on average.

Every molecule above absolute zero temperature is emitting radiation, which is a cooling process. A transparent gas such as the atmosphere emits radiation far more easily than opaque solids. That's why the air can cool twenty degrees or more during nights. When it can cool at nights, it isn't going to be trapping heat from carbon dioxide.

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