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Weather For Idiots


August 18, 2022

It's strange that the blabbering class knows nothing about weather after 70 years of weather reports on television. Of course, motives override rationality in the fascism of recent social corruptions; but why are corrupters getting by with that much fraud in claiming carbon dioxide is the cause of everything?

There has to be such a thing as greenhouse gases before they can influence weather. There is no such thing as greenhouse gases to influence weather. Therefore, the truth about recent weather needs to be produced by explaining the causes.

All droughts without exception are caused by high pressure air masses. A desert is not; but it is not a drought; it is normalcy.

High pressure air masses produce less motion than low pressure zones. Often, high pressure air masses park in one place for several years, and they tend to keep getting larger upon doing so. The high pressure zone off the west coast of the US has usually been about 3 thousand miles across.

It takes motion to cool air. Without motion, the air accumulates heat, which occurs with high pressure air masses. The reason why motion is needed for cooling is because evaporative cooling depends upon moving air. Then a secondary reason is because the air that cools over the oceans needs to replace the air that heats up over land in order to prevent the accumulation of heat over land.

As high pressure air masses heat up, the heated air convects by moving upward. As it moves upward, the total mass increases for the heated air.

With very little motion or cooling, humidity increases in high pressure air masses. The humid air does not precipitate out, because high pressure holds more moisture without precipitating and the increased warming prevents precipitation.

Then, occasionally, something can cause the accumulated moisture in high pressure air masses to come out all at once and creates disastrous flooding.

There are two factors that can cause precipitation. One is lower pressure; and the other is lower temperature. Lower pressure can occur when forces move air masses in opposing directions causing high pressure to become low pressure. Cooling can result from northern air colliding with the high pressure air mass (in the northern hemisphere). A low pressure zone moving down from the north and hitting a high pressure air mass causes both effects to occur resulting in flooding.

Such phenomena including droughts and floods have been recorded throughout human history. Never is carbon dioxide the cause. How can the propagandists miss that much history and science and assume they should be imposing their corruptness onto society? It's a measure of the fascism overtaking society.

The heating of high pressure air masses occurs over land, but not over oceans. Over land, the sun's energy heats the ground; and then the heated air convects upward. The absence of air movement causes the heat to accumulate over land.

Heat Over Land September 20, 2022

Over oceans, high pressure does not create heating of the air, because the sun's energy cannot heat the air, even though the water vapor absorbs some of the sun's energy directly, because there is no such thing as a greenhouse gas.

Water vapor can absorb the sun's energy directly, but carbon dioxide cannot. That's because carbon dioxide only absorbs longer wave (lower frequency) radiation than the sun produces. The sun's energy only goes to 2.5 microns of wavelength, while carbon dioxide absorbs at 2.7, 4.3 and 15 microns. Only cold matter produces longer wavelengths than the sun's energy; and almost no radiation is emitted by cold matter. That means there is almost no radiation available for carbon dioxide to absorb.

Suns Radiation  Earth Radiation

(The miniscule absorption by CO2 of the sun's energy is so trivial that it is not normally mentioned. It could even be an artifact, which can occur at miniscule levels.)

When water vapor in the atmosphere absorbs the sun's energy directly, the energy is re-emitted in femtoseconds producing no increase in temperature. If water vapor were the greenhouse gas fakes claim it is, the humid air over the oceans would get heated by the sun's energy.

Water vapor is supposed to be something like a hundred times stronger of a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. That means the one degree temperature increase supposedly created by carbon dioxide should parallel hundreds of degrees of temperature increase by water vapor, as humidity increases for various reasons. But the whole concept of one greenhouse gas being stronger than another would be ridiculous, even if greenhouse gases existed, because there is not enough radiation available beyond the wavelengths of the sun's energy to produce a stronger effect. The fact that humid air does not get scorching hot over oceans shows that water vapor is not doing what claimed greenhouse gases are supposed to be doing.

Ocean water can get warmer with a high pressure air mass above it, because the high pressure prevents clouds from forming and reflecting away the sun's energy. Solar energy goes thirty feet into water and does not escape easily.

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