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Whoopi Goldberg Was Right


There is no such thing as race in science. There is such a thing as racism. An ism can be imagination with no relationship to science.

February 8, 2022

Whoopi Goldberg was right in describing the modern, scientific view of race and injustice, while endless incompetents said she was wrong, and no one said she was right.

Scientists say there is no objective determination for race. Hitler claimed there was. The critics all sided with Hitler instead of modern science.

What she said was, "The holocaust isn't about race...It's about man's inhumanity to man...These are two white groups of people..." On that basis, she was removed from television for two weeks.

The Nazis claimed to be promoting the purity of a fake Aryan race. It didn't exist. Modern scientists say there is no scientific basis for claims about race. Take away the genetics, and religion and culture is all that is left for the hate Nazis had for their enemies. Destroying people for their differences in religion and culture is "man's inhumanity to man."

The Nazis destroyed and murdered anyone who sympathized with or assisted the Jews including Catholic Priests. They also destroyed groups of persons who had no relationship to Jews including homosexuals and Romanies.

The Nazis were talking about cleaning and purifying something, because corrupters always justify their corruption as fixing something, while they destroy everything around them. Claiming to be fixing while destroying is speaking in opposites as a justification for corruption. To assume their frauds are facts is to facilitate the frauds.

Certainly, white racism moves toward Nazism, as is occurring in the U.S. at the present time. But racism is a front for "man's inhumanity to man." All corrupters use fronts and slogans to rally around and cover for their corruptness. To take them literal and pretend they are describing something real is to facilitate their fraud.

Racism is real as an ism based not upon objective reality but upon hate for other persons which is misrepresented as a cure for some social ill, while race is not real. Racism is a promotional gimmick for solidifying the power of corrupters, which is the net effect of what Whoopi Goldberg said.

Not the least reason why it matters is because it is an example of what is occurring everywhere: Mindless know-nothings are reactively imposing their stupidity upon everyone. Disagreeing and including explanations would have been rationality. Using force to take action is mindless fascism. There used to be a standard of rationality that did some correcting, but it was overwhelmed by incompetent corrupters who took over the social structures and reduced the social standards to fascism which is transforming into Nazism.

Logic By Proximity

Instead of correct logic, corrupters connect points which have no correct relationships. They look for something in the vicinity to link their purposes to without proper logic.

An example is an attack upon Jill Biden for claiming Latinos are like tacos. She never said any such thing. Here is what she said:

Raul helped build this organization with the understanding that the diversity of this community, as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami, and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio, is your strength...

The claim was that she was comparing Latinos to tacos. She wasn't. She said the community was diverse while being distinct and unique as indicated by products of their endeavors.

Was she saying Latinos are like bodegas? No. So she wasn't saying Latinos are like tacos.

The analogy was not between the persons and the food. The subject was diversity creating strength along with unusual results of endeavors. Persons in the Bronx created something unusual; and persons in San Antonio produced something unusual, just as Raul Yzaguirre produced unusual results in getting the Medal of Freedom. The results were compared, not the racial characteristics of the persons.

The statement by Jill Biden said the diversity of the persons was a strength—a common theme that liberals need to promote now days due to the white racism being promoted by Fox News and fascists followers of Trump. The embellishments on endeavors and results showed how the strength of diversity accomplishes results. The accomplishments cannot be interpreted as racial labeling by rational persons.

An analogy would be to say, the quality of these engineers is as distinct as the battleship they produced. It isn't saying engineers are battleships.

The reason why the attack happened is demonstrated by this statement from an organization of Hispanic journalists: (Jill Biden's statement) demonstrates a lack of cultural knowledge and sensitivity to the diversity of Latinos in the region. It shows that the attack-persons are trying to create a position of superiority by attacking someone who is superior to them. They are driven to dominate, while producing correct logic is beyond their capabilities.

Why did they throw in a quip about lacking sensitivity to diversity, while the whole point of Jill Biden's statement was to show the value of diversity? A complete disregard for the realities at hand in dominating is the reason. CBS News Article

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