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The Always-War Against Truth

October 10, 2021

There is no sin but the truth about sin to corrupters. That's because truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat.

Truth is an attachment to the universe. The universe is a lot larger than corrupters or anything they can do. So they need to get rid of truth to defy the universe.

Corruption is that which destroys life. The universe defines life. So corrupters are always in conflict with the universe.

Being in conflict with universe means being in conflict with objective reality, which means being in conflict with everything their opponents say and do. Destroying the realities of opponents is obviously necessary to being a died-in-the-wool corrupter. But that also means destroying reality in principle.

So that is what corrupters do. They spend a large part of their existence figuring out how to destroy reality in principle.

Part of how they destroy reality in principle is to replace it with garbage reality. This phenomenon is highly developed in science, but only the scientists see it. The public only sees the glamorized garbage, which is vastly more impressive than real science.

Relativity was designed as garbage reality for that reason. As garbage reality it is forced onto physicists; it doesn't carry on its own. So there is a lot of dogmatism in promoting relativity in physics.

That attitude was highly visible from day one with the internet. At the starting point of the internet becoming available to the general public, rational persons were creating methods of getting realities developed. And right behind them was the war against reality.

How that war played out was visible on Yahoo. At first, Yahoo allowed us to post our web sites with small abstracts, much like libraries do. The organizational structure was similar to that of libraries. Shortly thereafter, the methodologies were reductionistic. Instead of us describing our own web sites, fake experts would describe our web sites for us. That, of course, produced two types of web sites based upon two types of descriptions—the normal, good and virtuous web sites, which means garbage painted over, and the rest of us who got scandalized off the internet. Of course, none of that lasted long.

Almost incidentally, but not quite, is that the promoters of garbage reality are also bent on creating two standards: one for their enemies and one for their friends. Friends are the ones who support their corruptions. Enemies are the negativists who criticize.

About that time, a major drive became visible for getting the crazies off the internet. It's not quite like the present investigations to determine how to sanction social media. It was about the opposite. The crazies were the critics who needed to be stopped—no congressional investigation involved. Every corrupter took it upon himself to get the job done.

The end result is that the internet only exists for selected purposes. One of the few things we are told about how that is done is that web sites are ranked for authoritativeness, so only the ones with the most authority go to the top. Sounds so logical, doesn't it. Except that nothing other than that is allowed. We are not allowed to search below a limited number of pages. What is the logic for that? Take a guess at any virtuous reason. Maybe to save money. Or maybe only the crazies would want to know what lies below the authoritative web sites.


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