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Why A Helicopter On Mars


March 6, 2022

All corrupters are fighting a war against rationality including incompetent power mongers. That means using power to make a mockery of rationality. A mockery solidifies power by aligning other corrupters upon the purpose. The more of a mockery, the clearer the purpose and broader the support among corrupters.

It works, because it has a clear and singular purpose, which eliminates conflicting views. No one could miss the fact that there is no significant atmosphere on Mars, while a helicopter requires an atmosphere. The fact that no one could miss the fraud of it means everyone understands the purpose.

By maximizing the arrogance, the result pushes the hated rationality farther out of view. The degree of arrogance is the measure of effectiveness.

The more arrogant the fraud, the less the opposition. Opponents must criticize based on related realities. Extreme absurdities erase the related realities, so critics have nothing to work with but to attack. Attack is always a losing battle. Without objective realities attack becomes self-defeating, because the masses of corrupters declare the opposite to be true with no reality getting in the way.

In other words, no one is going to allow isolated opponents say science and technology are producing fraud. Therefore, the more extreme the fraud, the more resistant to opposition.

Gravity wave measurements were a similar example of maximizing extremeness of fraud to block opposition. Supposedly, motion was measured down to one tenth of an atto meter, which is 100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms. The measuring devices are made of vibrating atoms. It would be like measuring one inch with a ruler that is vibrating 1.6 thousand miles at the frequency of infrared light.

If a more credible number were used, there would have been criticism; but the only thing that can be said about such ridiculousness is that it is fraud, while no one is allowed to use the word fraud. If there is fraud in science, where does it begin and end, and what should be done about it? No one can handle fraud in science; so the more fraudulent, the more resistant to opposition, while power mongers glamorize their incompetence and ability to destroy rationality.

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