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Why Not Corruption


The Abstract Basics

September 3, 2022

The social order is deteriorating into Nazism, as corrupters impose their standards and belief system onto everyone as a supposed superior method of doing things. The fraud of their assumptions needs to be corrected.

Obviously, corruption is destructivity. But corrupters do not assume they are being destructive; they assume they are promoting the correct method of doing things and the alternatives are for fools.

So the point here is, what is that method of corrupters and why is it destructive, while corrupters assume otherwise.

Their method is self-serving gain at everyone else's loss. Corrupters almost know that. They assume one person's gain is someone else's loss; so the only proper thing to do is build themselves up at everyone else's expense. The question is, why are they wrong and what are the specifics of their destructivity?

The most basic assumption of corrupters, that one person's gain is another person's loss, doesn't explain where everything came from. Stealing flint and berries didn't create automobiles.

Advancements require more gain than loss is social standards. Corrupters don't know that. How could they miss it? They miss it, because they do no evaluating. They operate by feel, which leaves out the social complexities.

When operating by feel, personal gain requires the exploitation of someone else's constructivity. Someone else has to produce the social order, while corrupters try to gain by exploitation. Exploitation requires degradation, as corrupters destroy what they exploit.

Why shouldn't corrupters be promoting corruption? Corrupters assume they are superior persons and knowing that corruption is the answer to everything is what makes them superior.

Superficially, corrupters know that they are doing what I say they are doing—that is, knowing the tip of the iceberg, not knowing the abstract meaning—but they assume operating that way is a superior standard. They assume critics give them credit for success. So the question is why they shouldn't—why corruption is not a superior standard.

The overview is that corruption destroys. Corrupters assume the opposite—that corruption is the secret to success. They get that way by trying to compensate for their incompetence by mongering power as a method of prevailing.

Using power to prevail is to destroy, but slowly through exploitation. Destroying is vastly easier than constructing; so idiot corrupters assume the small amount of destroying that is needed for exploiting must be the answer to everything. They don't know the difference between exploiting through corruption what someone else produced and producing, even though exploiters gradually destroy what they exploit.

With no other concerns than self-serving motives, the complexities and demands for putting together a complex social order and keeping it functional doesn't enter the awareness of corrupters. Corrupters despise the requirements for constructivity, because other persons would gain from the process, which is antithetical to their ethic of self-serving exploitation.

In other words, the bottom line for corrupters is that they would be nothing but losers if they tried to function constructively; but they can make themselves winners through the destructivity of exploitation, which is mongering power.

The simple answer to why corrupters shouldn't be corrupting is because they destroy what they assume they produce. But then, the difference between destroying and producing needs to be clarified, because it is too complex for corrupters to understand.

In missing the abstract elements, corrupters get destroying and creating reversed. Power does that. It gives corrupters the feeling of success, which causes them to assume their method of succeeding is creating rather than destroying. They operate by feel rather than analysis.

There still needs to be a clarification of the difference between destroying and creating at the social level, where complexities evade the simple-mindedness of corrupters. At the simple level of objects, functionality tells the difference; but socially, a lot of abstract reality masks the difference for the simple-mindedness of corrupters.

Exploitation makes destructivity look like constructivity to corrupters. Exploitation is removing the control (power to corrupters) of social structures from the hands of opponents (rational persons) and puts them in the hands of corrupters. Corrupters than use the power of social structures for their purposes, which is a contempt for the purposes that social structures are supposed to have in solving human problems.

In other words, using social structures as a tool for mongering power looks like an improvement to corrupters, because doing that gives them the power they strive for. They can't tell the difference between using social structures for mongering power and using them for constructive purposes.

Reagan's message clarified the point. He was saying that government and related social structures were for fools. He said, government is the problem. He also said, the last thing anyone wants to hear is, I'm from the government and I'm here to help you. He missed the fact that no one from the government has ever showed up and said that; but his purpose was to paint the government as a group of persons who impose something onto people that they don't want to happen to them.

Government and social structures evolved in human existence over several thousand years as necessary procedures for protecting complex social existence from corruption. Corrupters don't like that result, because it prevents corrupters from doing what they do.

Social structures including government are described procedures which are required for getting to necessary results. Defying those procedures produces decadent results. Yet corrupters assume the decadent results are superior results, because they personally gain at everyone else's expense through the exploitation of power that they use social structures for.

How do corrupters get power through the degradation of social structures? Physics is a clear example of how that works. Physicists pretend to be super-humans in producing spectacular results which no one else understands, let alone could produce. They get the image of being super persons, while the results are fraud. Image gets them where they want to be, which is dominating persons. Actual results are not what they want to produce, because they would then acquire responsibilities which would expose them as the incompetent corrupters that they are.

Relativity is the most developed example. It has no relationship to anything in the laws of the universe. Therefore, physicists can write millions of lines of relativity without a flaw. There is no wrong way to produce fraud.

Not only does that standard destroy the functionality of social structures, it puts incompetent corrupters in control of our lives.
The Abstract Basics

Corrupters defy abstract and basic realities with contempt. But it is the abstract and basic realities that determine results. In other words, corrupters are trying to defy the universe, which can never succeed.

Knowledge is abstract, because it is a human synthesis for representing objective realities. Representations are vastly different from what they represent. The contempt for abstract reality is a contempt for knowledge. Doesn't any idiot know that knowledge is needed for all complex results? Corrupters try to defy the need for knowledge.

Basic reality is the reality that determines the nature of other realities. The more basic reality is, the more inviolable it is. In other words, there are fewer alternatives and therefore fewer questions with more basic realities. So the most basic realities become the proof of less basic questions.

One of the consequences is that superficial concerns will always be destructive without accounting for the abstract and basic realities. Corruption is always overwhelmingly superficial. Yet corrupters assume they represent the only correct and justifiable method of doing things. They are trying to tear down ten thousand years of human progress based on the belief that the simplicity of superficial nonsense is the only correct way of doing things.

It's the opposite of engineering. Engineers must account for every molecule in a structure. Otherwise, something doesn't work properly. Yet corruption is the assumption that ignoring the make-up of existence is a superior standard.

Whim is the opposite of accounting for the factors that make up existence. Whim is like throwing rocks in a puddle to create an automobile. But of course, the focus is upon social realities, not hardware. The same laws of existence apply to social complexities as hardware complexities.

Corrupters are trying to pretend that there should be no social complexities. White racism and related nationalism are an attempt to strip complexities from society.

Why not? Because there would be no hardware, transportation or energy systems without properly ordered social activities. The fake science and technology that corrupters are promoting is destroying energy and transportation systems. It takes abstract knowledge aligned upon basic realities to correct such problems, not the idiotic whims of Nazis that are tearing down the social order.

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