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Political Philosophy  275

Why Nazism


March 6, 2022

Nazism is the most extreme manifestation of fascism that can occur before self-destructing.

Fascism is the socialization of corruption including an attempt to destroy ordered existence including social structures, government and laws in the elimination of impositions upon corrupters.

Terrorism is official and authoritative with Nazism. When incompetent corrupters acquire power, they not only fail at anything constructive, they get opposition. In their need to destroy opposition, they add the vengeance of losers who control power with no outlet for that power that solves their problems.

The result of Nazism is not an alternative philosophy or political party; it's the maximum destructiveness that humans can produce at the social level.

The Nazis counted shoestrings that they salvaged at Auschwitz and logged them into a ledger in their attempts to portray shoestrings as more important than the lives they destroyed. The Nazis controlling Auschwitz ate caviar and champagne attempting to mock the victims.

Destroying social structures and government leaves a void which removes demands upon corrupters. The void allows pretended reality to prevail with no contradictions from objective reality. There is no wrong way to pretend reality in the void of Nazism; so the Nazis pretended to be purifying a fake Aryan race through murder of enemies.

In the void, worship is demanded to eliminate all opposition while removing reality from the process. Worship allows pretense of value where nothing is constructive and everything is destructive. The Nazi salute had the purpose of imposing worship. But it's not exactly worship of a person; it's worship of the purpose of Nazism.

The most disturbed corrupters are always in a panic over being shoved out of the social order. They assume they are being dealt with unfairly. Fighting back is what they do. Eliminating the social order which opposes their corruptness is how they fight back.

A vague assumption underlying all corruption is that reality is arbitrary and can be something other than what it is. Philosophically, the assumption of corrupters is that reality is agreement.

That's why conservatives said, in 1981, when they took over the world with Reagan getting elected, that they were creating "a new normal." Rational persons assume the universe determines normal; humans do not determine what normal is.

But corrupters assume normal is arbitrary; and therefore, shoving them out of the social order is arbitrary, and something can be done about it. Nazism is the most extreme manifestation of that problem.

Hitler was a loser who had that attitude. His book explained his conflict with the rest of society, which he called a war.

Nazis are doing, in the most extreme way, what all corrupters are trying to do, which is turn the universe around. The purpose is to get rid of the force which shoves them out of society. Their assumption is that reality is so fluid and arbitrary that no one has to be shoving them out of the social order. And of course, it is their enemies who need to change or be changed for shoving them out of the social order.

Liberals don't know they are shoving anyone out of the social order; in fact they produce social programs attempting to prevent anyone from being shoved out of the social order. But the level of social assistance is of no relevance to corrupters, because they are absorbed by a force that never goes away. That force is the universe, not an arbitrary decision by anyone. But corrupters assume the force is arbitrary and can be changed through hook or crook.

In other words, when corrupters screw up, other persons react. That reaction is assumed to be the problem rather than the screw-up being the problem, as if people could just accept corruption as normal. To not accept corruption is the sin of opponents of corrupters. If corrupters can accept corruption, so can their enemies, in their view.

Corrupters assume that accepting corruption as the only realistic way of doing things is a superior state of existence. Since rational persons disagree, they must be inferior. That's why corrupters are extremely self-righteous in destroying everything around them—because accepting corruption as inevitable and necessary is supposedly superior to rationality.
The Outward Manifestations

Corrupters assume someone is unnecessarily creating their problem; and therefore, they can fix the social order as the solution. Of course, there is no such social state. Nazism is as close as corrupters can get to solving their problem by changing the social structures. They don't know that Nazism is not self-sustaining regardless of whether it solves their problem.

Corrupters are united by what they oppose. The most basic thing corrupters oppose is rationality.

The first reason why corrupters oppose rationality is because it is too complex for them to produce. It leaves them out of the process.

But even more significantly, the product of rationality is truth. Truth defeats corrupters no matter how it is produced. Sometimes truth is produced in extremely simple ways, and sometimes through complex ways. Rationality is the complex method of producing truth.

Truth would be opposed with more determination than rationality, except that there is no way to oppose truth. Truth must be prevented from existing by corrupters, but there is no way to oppose it after it exists.

So these terms must be clarified. Rationality is relating one thing to another showing the relationships between realities. It's the same as the reasoning process. The relationships between realities allow realities to become complex. They also align realities upon the objective realities of the universe.

The universe creates a unified reality. Unified reality is so large and imposing that nothing else competes with it for size and significance. The competing realities are false realities. They are small, disconnected and fleeting realities. They can only exist when insulated from the unified reality that overwhelms them.

Since false realities are overwhelmed by unified reality, they can never be significantly developed and they are extremely fluid (variable)—that is, under material conditions, where unified reality is imposing. In the spirit world, a disconnect from material realities becomes a disconnect from the source of unified reality, which allows corrupters to contrive almost unlimitedly.

Truth is defined as the communicated representation of unified reality. No one can arbitrate truth, because connecting to unified reality either exists or it doesn't. Connecting to the universe acquires the power of the universe, which no one can defy or arbitrate.

Rationality is the most systematic method of producing truth. If rationality can be produced, truth will be the result, because when making relationships between realities, the consistent relationships are reinforced, while the inconsistent relationships are contradicted and weakened. So the consistent relationships connect to unified reality, while the conflicts of false realities are diminished, whenever rationality can be produced.

Corruption is plain and simply the opposite of producing rationality. It is a process of destroying realities rather than increasing their complexities and attaching realities to unified reality.

So that's where Nazism comes from. Nazism is the example of the most extreme corruption that can be produced at the social level. The most extreme corruption at the social level will always have the same characteristics. So using the historical example of Nazism is appropriate for the label and description of the most extreme corruption at the social level.

The socialization of corruption results from corrupters taking over the social structures. During the 1930s, there was a new form of technology available for the Nazis to exploit as a source of power. Wheeled transportation was an extreme improvement over the use of horses.

So the Nazis thought they could use army tanks, jeeps, motorcycles and simple automobiles to rule the world. (Corrupters are beyond dumb.) They couldn't adequately develop tanks and aircraft at the same time. They didn't have enough manufacturing potential to do both. So the rest of the world developed the aircraft that defeated the Nazis.

It isn't hardware that gives Nazi types the advantage now days, nor even software. It's the complex social structures needed to manage all elements of complex technology that give the new fangled Nazis power.

Social structures are sources of power. They aren't supposed to be, they just are—that is, when corrupters take over the social structures and misuse them for acquiring power.

The social structures got so complex as technology developed that they became easy prey for corrupters. Consider the nonprofit-making, 501(c)(3), organizations. They started out accomplishing a lot during the 1960s and 70s. But as conservatives came to power and took over the world in 1981, the nonprofs crumbled into corruption being vulnerable to corrupters taking them over.

When corrupters take over an organization in such a simple and direct manner as occurred with the nonprofs, everything about the organization is rapidly reversed. Instead of solving social problems, the organizations become rip-off schemes at the disposal of destroyers. So corrupters plow wealth into such converted organizations to function as tools for turning the social order into rubble.

Conservative politics is the most obvious example. Organizational power is used by conservatives to overwhelm opponents. Any cheap form of an organization becomes a tool for bowling over rational existence in the hands of conservatives.

Fake liberals, as greens, use organizational power to promote fake science and technology. The reason why is because conservatives can't handle the degree of complexity involved in fake science and technology, which leaves an open field for the greens to thrive in.

Comparing the organizational corruption to the scientific corruption tells a lot about corruption through comparison and contrast.

Scientific corruption took off exponentially in physics a long ways back due to the overwhelming abstractness of physics. The biological sciences, not so much so, but partially so.

Physicists had a major obscurity tool in mathematics. They used perversion of mathematics as a weapon against rationality in science with extreme ease due to the total darkness of unaccountability to the public.

Mathematics is used as a language that is infinitely malleable in contempt for purposes. Languages are supposed to have definitions, which requires dictionaries. There are no dictionaries for mathematical language, at least after the rudimentary levels of arithmetic. Therefore, the language of mathematics is disconnected from objective reality by corrupters of physics giving them unaccountable power to contrive fakery and impose it onto society as inviolable laws of the universe.

The result in physics is everything physicists do, which includes scaring people into submission with carbon dioxide and spending hundreds of billions of dollars on edifices for supposedly extracting energy from hydrogen fusion which has no significant energy. Along the way, endless trivia decorates the rubble such as measurement of gravity waves through mockeries of technology and manufacturing images of a helicopter on Mars in Hollywood-type studios.

Corrupters amplify their power by linking with all other corrupters. The power of numbers is used to overwhelm opponents and rationality. The power of numbers is used as the defining principle in eradicating rationality from the social order. Consensus defines science in the hands of know-nothings who impose social solutions onto the public.

The process is being called fascism at this time. The push for Nazism is visible in the language Trump is using. His speeches are taken from Hitler's template in claiming some horrendous disaster created by opponents has overtaken society and only he can fix it. The disaster being fixed is the disaster the fixers created. When trashing the voting process is the agenda, fixing the claimed trashing of the voting process by opponents is the procedure. When the fascism transforming into Nazism is that successful, the ability to correct it is nonexistent.
Shrinking Of Realities

Incompetent corrupters attempt to shrink reality to the level of their infantile minds. That process is part of the broader scheme of reducing existence to their own level and ultimately getting everyone below their own feet.

There is a gradient of success for corrupters. Early on in the shrinking of reality is reductionism which is visible as over-simplification. To corrupters, government is either good or bad. There are no complex forms of government acceptable to corrupters. Reducing government to a control mechanism for dictators is the only acceptable result for corrupters.

Dictating replaces evaluation in the simplification process. Contradictions become irrelevant in dictating. Evaluation is needed to determine what contradictions are. Such complexities are not allowed.

Acting out replaces evaluation. It's a process of operating by feel. When corrupters feel something, they respond by opposing what does or doesn't feel right. They say so. They say, what feels right inside them takes precedence over realities, no matter how undeniable the realities are. An example is the big lie. Corrupters often agree to every element of the criticism and still say they feel that the big lie is true, so it is true.

Normalcy does not allow acting out. It is undisciplined and disruptive. Therefore, normalcy must be eliminated in the process of instituting fascism and Nazism. In eliminating evaluation and allowing acting out only, the result is dictators replacing rationality.

Speaking in opposites is another manifestation of shrinking realities. With no significant contact with complex realities, corrupters are only aware of the impositions upon themselves. So they take those imposing realities and turn them around. They pretend that the negatives that apply to themselves apply to opponents and the positives which don't apply to themselves are what they produce.

Patriotism is an example. In destroying the essence of government, corrupters pretend that they are the only true patriots. Their version of patriotism is to produce the supposedly only true form of government, which is Nazi totalitarianism.

A variation on promoting opposites is to redesign all concepts to fit the domination purpose of corrupters. Freedom means their uninhibited freedom to do as they please, which in turn requires no one else being allowed to influence the result. Their freedom means everyone else's reduction to nonexistence. Self-centeredness is, of course, the position of everything corrupters do.

Reality shrinkage is an element of disconnect from objective realities. Objective realities are complex being based on the laws of the universe. Disconnecting from objective reality is replacing the infinite complexities with forces which have no significant reality element.
A Need For Fake Reality

Corrupters need fake realities as rationalizations for their corruption, because truth condemns them and they need a substitute reality to counter the truth.

So the more extreme the corruption, the more need there is for fake reality. That's why Trump's reality, and that of his extreme sycophants, is more than bizarre. They need the most extreme absurdities in their desperate attempts to combat truth.

They can't combat truth by being credible; so they use disruptiveness as a substitute for credibility. They try to take over the social order through terrorism, not logic; and the terrorism starts with obliteration of the realities that rational persons depend upon for solving problems.
Driving Force

Corrupters are driven by the opposing forces to their intolerable destructivity. The more successful corrupters are, the more problems they create for others and the more the opposing force.

Why should they be hated for being successful, is the view of corrupters. Since they believe in the corruptions, they assume they are being hated for what they do right, not wrong.

So corrupters assume there is an injustice in the opposing forces. Yet the righter they are, the more they are hated. That tells them that there is something wrong with opponents—but not just any old wrong but opposed to the most important necessity in their lives—their ability to make corruption work for themselves.

It sets them off. They fight over it. Nazism is the point where the conflict is maximized in attempting to exterminate the opposing forces.

As the conflict with opponents gets extreme, the reactions get extreme, which results in gas chambers or similar methods of exterminating opponents.

All the while, the opponents of corrupters are their victims. The victims of corrupters are exterminated for not wanting to be victims.

Notice that both sides are a reflection of the same assumption—that the other side is intolerably destructive. Now notice the obvious logic—that there is a clear difference between destructivity and constructivity.

That difference does nothing to correct the assumptions of corrupters. Instead, it tells them that there is a virtue in destroying the enemy, and anything goes to protect and promote their method of doing things as destructivity.

As always, corrupters project their own corruptions onto their opponents. So they assume the victims trying to protect themselves is the most horrendous corruption every perpetrated. How could harmless protective concerns be a horrendous wrong? Only with a total disconnect from reality and overriding forces which turn realities upside down.
Positional Justification

Bigotry is the assumption that power is virtue and powerlessness is corruption. It is an inherent part of all corruption, because power is needed to overwhelm and prevail.

All forms of corruption are amplified and extreme with Nazism including the need for justification through a pretense of superiority. With extreme importance, no slights can be tolerated. Worship of the ruler is instituted by all totalitarians as a method of eliminating any form of opposition. All totalitarians have rules against insulting the emperor, which means any form of criticism is detrimental.

So Nazis need a pretext for de facto worship; and purifying a fake Aryan race is used for that purpose. In The U.S., preventing immigrants from diluting the vote or influence of white men is used for that purpose. Why should white men prevail? Some mysterious source of superiority is supposedly an essential part of life. What is the basis for it? There is no reality basis for anything in corruption. Values are aligned upon the promotion of power and imposed upon everyone.

Demagoguery is aligned upon power values. When corrupters have eliminated all opposition, all purposes must be aligned upon worship of power. Then there is supposedly a necessity in promoting power to keep the process working. Under those conditions, any undesirable state must be eliminated to promote power.

Those standards are visible at the individual level, where corrupters are prevailing over the persons around them. Dominating persons must be worshiped to sustain some mysterious necessity which replaces ordered existence based on laws of the universe.

In other words, corruption replaces the universe which defines life with a substitute state where worship of power, and therefore persons who represent power, is supposedly required to sustain existence. If power is essential for the corrupt state of existence, then directing existence to maintaining power is the necessary standard that replaces the rationality of normal existence.

The Nazis weren't directly worshipping Hitler; they were worshipping the power that Hitler represented. That's why Trumpism will still exist without Trump. Trump is nothing but a figurehead for representing the power of corruption. In general, Trump's followers would prefer a more competent figurehead, now that the barriers have been eliminated for blatant, open-ended and unlimited corruption.
Understanding Nazism

I don't want to claim to know too much about Nazis, because you would probably have to be a Nazi to know a Nazi; but there are a lot of abstract principles that come together around the extremes of corruption that can be theorized.

Consider that corrupters do not evaluate. That means they do not compare one reality to another. The reason why they don't is because they don't have enough reliable reality in their heads to compare one thing to another.

Corrupt realities are always dissociated. That means the realities are broken into pieces which are in conflict with each other. When realities don't mix together properly, they don't get compared or evaluated.

What then replaces realities and evaluation of realities? Force does. Force flows out of corrupters as motives, which means their intent to impose themselves onto everyone else and prevail. Force is defined as false and irrelevant realities imposed upon correct and essential realities.

To make up for their disconnect from the reality medium, corrupters acquire power as their method of making themselves relevant through force. The power of numbers is their primary form of power. That means aggregating like-minded persons into causes which create an alignment upon motives. The "big lie" serves as a cause with no regard for the realities involved. In fact, the mockery of realities defines the cause more clearly.

That state of existence is in conflict with the rest of the universe including the constructivity needed to solve problems and sustain life.

In conflict with the corrupters' state of existence is ordered existence. That means corrupters are fighting a war against ordered existence including the rationality which creates ordered existence and the validly created laws of government.

Corrupters are not fighting for a different form of government; they are fighting for the absence of government—that is, government as protection of ordered existence through properly created laws. Their concept of government is stripped of functionality and used as a dictatorship. A dictatorship will always be controlled by a corrupter and promoting the interests of corrupters.

Corrupters do not use such clear and negative language to promote their cause. They use implicit language, such as patriotism and freedom. Patriotism means a dictatorship which serves white racism. Freedom means defiance of the laws of the universe.

Corruption creates a conflict with the universe and its laws which create and define life. Since corrupters do not recognize existence outside their own self-centered motives, they put themselves in conflict with the universe without knowing so. Then they have no explanation for their problems in life, so they assume enemies must be creating their problems; and they go looking for enemies to defeat.

Outsiders are supposed to accept the purpose of corrupters and their fake language as being normal and acceptable, while corrupters know they are faking realities to neutralize opposition in replacing proper existence with their domination of society.

As corruption transforms into Nazism, which is official and formal terrorism, corrupters become more open as well as emboldened in defying and attacking ordered existence. They pretend that chaos is the only real state that should exist and ordered existence is a criminal imposition that should have never existed.

That's why Trump breaks every law that applies to him as a matter of principle. He is trying to normalize the absence of ordered existence as the only acceptable state of existence. His followers align upon his standard for the same reason.
Destroying The Human Standard

The first concern of Nazis is destroying the human standard. The human standard is to solve problems by applying rationality to the objective realities of the laws of the universe which define life and the requirements for solving problems.

Nazis don't know what those words mean; but they can't miss the human standard when they see it. There are a lot of complexities and difficulties in solving problems, which create a highly visible process.

That process is objectionable to corrupters, because they are disconnected and incapable. Their alternative has to be extremely simplistic, sort of like fixing a television with a hammer. Force and violence is how they do that.

Then corrupters assume they will be more functional after getting the opposing forces and complexities out of their way. They don't know that there is no human society left after they get their way; but they need to cross their bridges after getting to them, so they attack the human standard first and never get beyond that point.

That's why corrupters are so obnoxious. Using force and violence to destroy the human standard will always be obnoxious. The "big lie" of Democrats stealing the election from Trump is the most obvious example. But everything corrupters do is of that standard. They lie for the sake of lying in contempt for the human standard.

The Significance Of Social Structures

The March To Fascism

Why Corruption

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     




Outward Manifestations

Shrinking Realities

A Need For Fake Reality

Driving Force

Positional Justification

Understanding Nazism

Destroying The Human Standard



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