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What Proper Communication Is

May 19, 2021

Persons who have justifiable purposes use proper communication. Corrupters do not use proper communication for two interrelated reasons: One, they need to misrepresent their corruptions; and two, they don't learn how to communicate properly due to the need to misrepresent their corruptions.

Conservatives are that way. They show us what corrupters look like. The simple reason is because corrupters swarm to the conservative cause as their method of promoting their corruptions. A purifying process occurs because of the need for corrupters to eliminate all opposition. They must replace diversity with homogeneity, because diversity exposes contradictions. Liberals are highly diversified, while conservative enforce total homogeneity, as they are showing in shoving out anyone who does not promote Trump's criminality.

The improper communication of corrupters is highly disruptive. It throws a wrench into the constructivity that others try to produce. And yet, corrupters pretend that only they are deserving of life, because they love the kids and pets more than anyone else.

The image contradictions are glaring—on the order of the emperor wearing no clothes. The contradictions are self-condemning. If corrupters were the answer to everything they claim to be, the image should not be so obnoxious.

But it is exactly because of the unavoidable contradictions that corrupters are so self-sanctifying. They try to take a position that is the opposite of the truth. They have so much unacceptability to promote that an extreme image of the opposite is necessary.

None of that is supposed to exist. It is subjective, disruptive and counter-constructive. Yet it is what everyone is up against in dealing with corrupters, while corrupters pretend that only they are deserving of life.

Therefore, the elements of proper communication need to be clarified. The most important and glaring problem of the communication of corrupters is that it robs people of the right to decide for themselves. Rational persons produce enough explanation to allow evaluation of what is being said. Corrupters do not.

What this means is that communication is supposed to be part of an evaluation process. To corrupters, it is not. They must prevent evaluation from occurring. If people could evaluate, they would not allow corrupters to destroy their lives. So a railroad job is needed. Preventing evaluation is how the railroad job works.

Preventing evaluation means no information is provided to be evaluated. Just take our word for it is the only result people get from them. It's another reason for corrupters being so self-righteous about their corruptness. People are supposed to trust them to take care of everything with no ability to decide anything for themselves. It's the equivalent of reducing others to the level of animals who are under the control of their masters.

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