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What Happened To News

April 3, 2022

Everyone knows what happened to news. The funding dried up. But they lie about it, so nothing improves.

Supposedly, advertising moved to other media. It didn't. The funding moved to other media. Studies show that no advertising benefits from the move. Yet corporations moved anyway. Why?

Power mongers invest in corruption instead of rationality. Corruption makes somebodies of incompetent corrupters, while rationality exposes them for the corrupters that they are. So they invest in corruption instead of rationality.

It's becoming difficult to use a computer, and more so on quirk media. Much of the quirk media is referred to as social media; but the quirkiness includes everything now days. That's because incompetent power mongers took over the social structures; and quirkiness is how they do things.

Quirkiness means taking over your computer and your life; so corrupters know more about you than you do. And what do they gain from it? Nothing that makes them money; they spend money on their corruptions rather than make money from them. Moving the money around is lucrative, but the reason for doing so is not; it's all expense.

It's an investment in corruption. Without corruption, incompetent corrupters have nothing. With corruption, they are lords over our lives. They invest in domination.

Power mongers have trillions to invest in their corruptions. Where it comes from is criminality that was legalized by conservatives as they threw out a century of laws that attempted to diminish corruption in society—a process they call deregulation.

When conservatives took over the world in 1981, they said they were creating a "new normal." Reagan said government is the problem. So conservatives threw out the laws that restrict corruption and called it deregulation.

Without those laws, corporations channel all resources to the top of society and drain the economy dry for the public. money supplyThe most significant method of doing that is called Mergers and Acquisitions. It means corporations buying corporations. In doing that, someone walks away with billions of dollars, while consumers repay for the company.

That process occurs hundreds of times each years pouring trillions of dollars into the hands of power mongers at the top of society. They redistribute the lucre through gambling casinos including a degraded stock market, crypto currencies and venture capitalism.

Venture capitalists have so much money to spend that they put banking out of the business of making loans to businesses forcing banks to find new sources of revenue. Now days, banks play the stock market and other gambling processes, which used to be illegal but was made legal by the deregulators.

Banks used to increase the money supply by making loans; but they make so few loans anymore than the Fed has to step in to increase the money supply through "quantitative easing."

Underlying the cash flow is consumers buying products. Producing products continuously gets cheaper, as initial investments are recouped and technology increases efficiency. But instead of lowering prices to consumers, investment schemes are used to redistribute money among the power mongers.

And that is what happened to the news. The power mongers redirected their resources to quirk media instead of news. Quirk media enhances their power, while news increases the truth that limits their criminality.

Draining The Economy Dry

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What Corruption Is

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