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What Superficiality Does

May 19, 2021

Superficiality makes subconscious corruption possible. Subconscious approximately means superficiality. It allows corrupters to lie to themselves about their virtues.

The way it works is that habits create routines which become automatic and drift out of awareness. The routines start with decisions, but the starting points are rapidly forgotten as routines replace the decision making process.

There are numerous decisions made for corrupt routines in response to newly encountered situations. But the decisions rapidly create routines which cover over the decisions, so the starting points are not recognized.

Many of the decisions that go into the subconscious/superficial routines of corruption are rationalizations for the purpose of glamorizing corruption. With no awareness of where the rationalizations began, the results become truth to corrupters. A rationalization starts as a nontruth, and as the origins disappear in awareness, the nontruth is converted into a truth, in the minds of corrupters.

This pattern creates a high degree of self-righteousness for corrupters. They have themselves convinced that they are producing spotless perfection and no one else has a right to live, because their rationalizing evolves into that sort of logic as defensive and offensive mechanisms.

Trite slogans create the type of superficiality that conservatives use to peddle their wares. Examples include lowering taxes, family values, right to life, law and order, small government, deficit reduction, etc. None of those slogans represent reality. They are rationalizations for the opposites.

Even small government is the opposite of what conservatives promote, not the opposite as large government but the opposite as overwhelming impositions as dominating and degrading totalitarian control over peoples' lives. In other words, the smallness is not their purpose; it's the absence of ordered existence that is their purpose, while more imposition is the result rather than less.

Ulterior Motives Produce Fakery

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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