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Why Smearing Works

April 22, 2022

Conservatives get elected by smearing. That means accusations are used without explanations or truth.

One of the problems with smear accusations is subjectivity disconnected from objective reality. Subjectivity is in the eye of the beholder. That means the persons are the concern rather than the objective realities which define problems and their solutions. So instead of solving problems, the purpose of smearing is to put corrupters in control of our lives who do not follow the objective standards required for solving problems.

Conservatives campaign on nothing but values. But values are subjective, which means the persons who do that are attempting to put corrupters in control of our lives without the objective standards required for solving problems. Conservatives do not solve problems, because they do not follow the objective standards required for solving problems.

With smear tactics, opponents are accused of destroying the economy, while they have no influence over the economy. Cancel culture, critical race theory and grooming are smear jobs which have no definable relationships to most persons. If someone really was being bad, very few other persons would have the slightest involvement in such bad.

In that way smearing is pretext. Find a rotten example and paint it onto other persons with no relationship to reality. Disconnect from objective reality is what it is.

One of the frauds in that standard is that corrupters accuse others of what applies to themselves. It's a defensive mechanism in the view of corrupters. It attempts to neutralize truth by equating innocent persons with guilty persons. Psychologists call it projection—projecting what applies to self onto others.

Conservatives claim liberals produce cancel culture, simple because the negative slogan degrades their opponents. Yet conservatives live by cancelling. What is destroying libs but cancelling? The only art of any deal Trump knew was to get rid of losers. He fired or planned to fire everyone under his control beyond his relatives. That's cancelling as a power mongering procedure.

Yet conservatives attack liberals as a cancel culture for producing criticism. Criticism is inseparable from the rationality that solves problems. Criticism does not cancel; it corrects errors. Correcting errors improves and solves problems.

When conservatives oppose "critical race theory" they try to promote white racism, even though the concept of critical race theory is nothing but a philosophical analysis. Promoting white racism is imposing race, where philosophical analysis is not an imposition.

Conservatives get elected by smearing only. "Lock her up" was the theme of Trump's followers, while Trump broke ever law that applied to him as a matter of principle in his contempt for government of laws.

Conservatives need to smear, because they have nothing to offer but corrupt power. Objective reality produced through rationality exposes them for the incompetent corrupters that they are. So they resort to corruption as a source of power.

Why does it work? Because it brings out corruption as a source of instant power. Incompetent losers become winners through corruption, when they find someone with power becoming a winner through corruption.

In finding power through corruption, hate for noncorruption increases. Trump followers are haters for that reason. They hate the libs, because liberals are trying to solve problems which creates a demand for rationality and objective reality which expose incompetent corrupters as losers.

The Reverse Logic Of Corruption

Corruption reverses logic, because the purpose of destructivity is the opposite of the purpose of constructivity. Analysts try to apply normal logic to corruption, and the results don't make sense, because corruption doesn't follow normal logic.

Trump gains followers because of his lying and criminality. That's because corrupters are attracted to types of persons who are on their side. Trump will promote the corruption which tells corrupters he is on their side. The more corrupt the power monger, the clearer the result is.

For the same reason, power mongers exploit incompetent degenerates for promoting their cause. There is no danger of the most degenerate persons opposing corruption. Incapability assures power mongers that opposing views will not be produced, because it takes capabilities to oppose.

For that reason, power mongers want the most degenerate and worthless bums to represent their cause. The bums will lock onto the corruptions of power mongers with no danger of them opposing corruption, because degenerates cannot originate, they have to attach to sources of power.

Fascism brings corruption to the surface of society for these reasons. As corrupters acquire more power, they bring out the corruptness of degenerates. Degenerates find a new source of power in fascism.

The Assumingness Problem

Corrupters become dead certain that they are right because of their assumingness. What that means is that they make invalid connections in their minds. They link realities to their motives assuming that everything they encounter substantiates their motives, when the realities actually have other meanings.

There are endless jokes on that problem. Like the shrink who draws a circle and asks the patient what it reminds him of. The patient says sex. So the shrink draws a square; and the patient says its sex. So the shrink draws a rectangle; and the patient says its sex. The shrink then says, your problem is that you have sex on the brain; and the patient says, you are the one who drew the dirty pictures.

Assumingness is like relating circles and squares to sex. The correct meaning of realities is obliterated, as realities are interpreted in terms of motives.

Empty minds are that way. They don't make proper connections between realities, because the related realities are missing from their minds.

The attack upon libs by conservatives is nothing other than that. Conservatives go through a bunch of irrelevant trivia and assume it means the libs are a bunch of communists overthrowing the country. Critical race theory has nothing to do with liberalism, and almost no liberals could care what it means. It's a philosophical concept, not a political concept. But conservatives seek out such strange concepts to prove that liberals are something other than what they are.

A recent example is throwing out the prosecutor of San Francisco for not cleaning up the homeless mess. The prosecutor said he was not going to prosecute the homeless for their problems. So the interpretation of conservatives and related know-nothings is that the prosecutor is responsible for the mess in San Francisco. That whole set of realities is typical mindlessness of conservatives.

What they are missing is that it is not the function of prosecutors to solve the homeless problem. All prosecutors can do is throw someone in jail. It costs about $60 thousand dollars per year to put someone in jail. Afterwards, the homeless and still homeless and doing the same things.

Also what is being missed is that it was the conservatives that created the homeless problem by destroying the lower classes, so they could be winners dominating someone. No one is going to fix the problem while conservatives take over the country replacing ordered existence with Nazism.

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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