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What Truth Does

January 20, 2022

Truth is the only force corrupters cannot prevail against. So of course, their war in life is focussed on preventing truth from being produced and lying about truth. Since rationality is how truth is produced and rationality is as complex as the source of all life, the war against rationality is a reaction against all of the complexities of constructivity.

What truth does is clear the corruption from a subject, so rationality can be produced. The process is like a bulldozer clearing brush from an area before a construction project begins. That means truth must be sufficient on a subject before the complexities can be promoted.

Even though truth is a product of rationality, it must sufficiently exist before rationality can be produced. This requirement shows up in the promotion of carbon dioxide as the ruination of man. Twenty years ago, about half of the scientists were on each side of the issue and propagandists tried to out-argue their critics. The propagandists fell flat on their faces and quit trying to argue the subject.

That should have been the end of the subject, particular with the exposure of emails showing the corrupt standards of incompetent scientist involved. But somehow, the propaganda rose from the ashes and kept increasing.

Regardless of how or why, the propaganda on carbon dioxide increased to a point where no arguments or opposition exists anymore.

There is a visible process to hardening the propaganda. One of the primary mechanisms is to push the boundaries to a ridiculous extreme in claiming absurdities are the cause and result of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. When everything that can be socially recognized and described is attributed to carbon dioxide in the air, no saying otherwise is going anywhere.

That's why a path must be cleared before rationality can be produced. The power of truth has to do that, even in more timid areas where the forces have not been so highly developed, such as everything Congress argues in its failure to get bills passed.

Biden and Pelosi live by this fact increasing truth which must occur before anything can be accomplished. Of course, it is what makes them pariahs to journalists. Producing truth is the most ridiculous waste of time propagandists have ever seen.

There are several factors which go into the process of producing truth and which look like absurdities to incompetent corrupters. One of the factors is to invite degenerates to cooperate. Any dimwit knows corrupters are not going to cooperate, as they have been trying to tell Biden for several years.

What incompetent corrupters don't realize is that inviting opponents to be rational is one of the first steps in generating necessary truth, because near the starting point of all fraud is the claim that fraudulent attack is necessary in protecting all that is right from the onslaught of their enemies. Corrupters need to fight fire with fire, as Reagan told them; so there has to be a fire to fight, before fraud can be justified. Being cooperative removes that prior set of conditions, even if frauds lie about it.

Another requirement for clearing the ground before attempting to produce rationality is to force corrupters to take a position. One of the rules of corruption is to not create a clear target for enemies to attack, which means producing the last word on a subject. Forcing corrupters to take a position prevents them from having the last word on a subject. Then the position that they are forced to take will continually weaken their frauds, as the interactions of realities cause truth to evolve forward.

These type of process are what Biden and Pelosi live by in slowly increasing the truth needed for getting things done. They might not accomplish much in the present state of fascism which conservatives began producing in 1981, but nothing else will accomplish anything.

It's also why Lyndon Johnson once told someone: "You convinced me, now go out and make me do it." It means nothing can be accomplished until there is sufficient truth for rationality.

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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