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Warped Values Of Conservatives

June 6, 2021

The conservative agenda is an attempt to change what human existence is. We don't have a right to run our own lives, because conservatives want to decide that for us.

Doing that is a values process, not an objective analysis. Conservatives are in the values business. Not only do they promote and impose values, which decimates all constitutional concepts of rights and freedom, they align all purposes upon their values. Promoting values is not a question of evaluating realities, it's a question of accepting warped purposes.

One of the main purposes of human existence is to solve problems. Solving problems requires rationality applied to objective reality. Conservatives cannot tolerate that process, because it exposes their incompetence and corruptness.

Conservatives keep pretending that liberals trying to solve problems is some sort of evil, because complexities require problems to be unsolved. Not solving problems and creating problems is always the lesser of evils or the necessary price to be paid for some ridiculous reason to conservatives

The net effect of conservative arguments is always the assumption that solving peoples' problems creates peoples' problems. Conservatives usually use an economic rationale for that, not based on evidence and yet promoted as if it were fact. Conservatives don't make logical arguments, the obvious reason being that logic doesn't align upon their claims; and yet they insist that all logic and evidence proves their purposes to be correct.

There are two major corruptions in that process: the evidence and the morality. The evidence never shows what conservatives claim, and their end result is always, obscurely immoral, usually due to destroying vulnerable persons for noble reasons. The morality never gets criticized, because there is supposedly something wrong about arguing at the moral level. There isn't. That assumption allows conservatives to get by with moral and logical fraud.

Recurrent Jim Crow laws show the moral depravity. The recent version of Jim Crow laws is supposedly necessary to prevent fraud in voting, while there is no significant fraud in voting. Millions of vulnerable persons are shoved out of the voting process to protect against nonexistent fraud. Gerrymandering produces the same result without an iota of justification. The courts allowing it removes any requirement for justification, while it is morally depraved.

Conservatives promote their claims as if they were unquestionable facts, when there is endless evidence of them being wrong. Often, the evidence is pointed out by critics in opinion sections of the media. But separating the location of the criticism from the conservative propaganda never reduces the problem.

What doesn't get criticized is the preposterous moral logic of conservatives. Morally, they are saying social problems should not be solved. The net effect of their moral logic is that vulnerable persons should be stomped under, workers should be taken advantage of and forced into slavery, everyone should solve their own problems and government should be used for nothing but creating wars.

Using a fake economic analysis for the moral depravity is just as absurd as the morality of their arguments. Economics never has the characteristics that conservatives claim. Their number one focus is always burning tax dollars on corporations as a supposed improvement in the economy. Endless frauds are visible in that claim. First, conservatives don't start with a reason why the economy needs to be improved. Then they are never correct about what corporations are going to do with the tax dollars. And they are never correct about economic results in claiming wages will increase and consumers will spend more, while corporations are burning tax dollars on stock buy-backs.

The only thing that comes through in the fake arguments of conservatives is their moral depravity. Vulnerable persons and the public are always supposed to be stomped under and ripped off for nonsensical reasons in the arguments of conservatives, as if everyone would gain something from human destructivity.

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