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Why Word Salad

June 12, 2021

Corrupters start at the desired end point and use fraud to get there. In science, the procedures are fraud. In the use of words, word salad is the equivalent of fraudulent procedures in science.

The way word salad works is to first state a fraudulent premise, which often consists of a "click bait" title promoting the subjective concerns of the corrupters and then go through all of the values such persons promote with no explanation of how the garbage relates to the claims.

A common tactic is to use generalizations which could mean anything without specifics that can be evaluated in the context of fraudulent claims. Another tactic is to throw in a word here and there that normally applies to the subject matter with no explanations. After a few paragraphs of nonsense, the subject has supposedly proven the frauds to be correct.

The reality of corrupters does not go beyond word arrangements, because they have no relationship to objective reality, which is the essence of corruption. How the words relate to objective reality is not determined by corrupters. Instead, words are exploited for promoting motives. In fact, corrupters don't know how ridiculous their arrangement of words really is due to their disconnect from objective reality. Without objective reality, the scramble of words is unlimited, which allows corrupters to draw any conclusion in line with their motives.

It was because of that standard that the obvious absurdities of the election frauds were possible. Claims were made to promote motives with no concern for correctness. Claiming that Trump won the election and opponents stole the election was not based on an iota of evidence.

After the fraudulent claims were made, efforts were undertaken to quasi-prove them to be correct. Quasi-prove means going through fraudulent procedures that could generate any desired result. While officials said the election was the most secure ever, incompetents re-did the process with no proper standards to supposedly get to the real truth.

Notice that fake realities were first generated and only later was the fake evidence sought. It shows the purpose of the word salad: After contriving desired realities out of word salad, actions are taken to align fake evidence upon the result. Fake realities generate the blueprint for the actions. What it means is that the purpose of the word salad is to redesign reality without the limitations of objective reality.

To get that result words are aligned to justify motives. Words and phrases which are negative are applied to opponents, and words and phrases which are positive are applied to cooperating persons (conspirators).

Beyond that, anything that seems to be exploitable for the motives is tacked on. The mismatch can be off a mile if necessary for the purpose. The purpose, of course, is to promote the corrupters (enhance their power) and degrade opponents.

Words do not have the same meaning with that purpose. The only meaning that can be applied is that corrupters are corrupters. No reality can be inferred from such words.

Name calling is the simplest example. Enemies are given names which are negative or accusatory. Ad hominem attacks are similarly accusatory replacing information that is supposed to exist to substantiate claims. Accusation is used as fake evidence in the arguments of corrupters. That's why the Bible refers to satan as "the accuser." His only argument is in accusations.

Using accusation as an argument is supposed to say that opponents are so low in character that nothing they say or do is worthy of the argument, and the accuser is superior by default—not by any analysis or evidence but relative to the opponents who are degraded to irrelevance.

Attack by accusation is subjective, not objective. It's important to understand the difference between subjective attack and objective reality. The public domain is supposed to be objective only. There is no place for subjectivity in the public domain, at least where disputes and arguments are occurring.

The difference is monumental, not just a social nicety. Disputes determine what gets promoted and what gets destroyed. Determination means related realities show the consequences. When lied about, the consequences are not what anyone wants.

Subjectivity in disputes is the same as lying. It produces the opposite result than is required. That's what lies are for—to produce the opposite result than is supposed to occur. Subjectivity is the same thing as lying, because there is no possibility of straightening out the truth or evidence in subjective reality; and therefore, the liars are arbitrating the subject to get their desired result. The result that lying corrupters try to get is not the result anyone wants, or the lying would not be needed to get there.

Subjectivity is the same thing as personal realities. It means there is no way to determine what the surrounding realities are for other persons. When the surrounding realities cannot be determined, liars fill in the missing realities with false realities.

There is no place for the personal realities in the public domain for that reason. Accusing is an insertion of personal realities into the public domain. Name calling attempts in interject personal realities into the public domain. Positive and negative connotations similarly attempt to interject subjective realities into the public domain.

Yet corrupters never do anything other than inject subjectivity into the public domain, because they cut themselves off from objective reality by their corruptness. Objective reality exposes their corruptness causing them to avoid objective reality and rely upon subjective reality which can be used to falsify the related realities.

Corrupters paint themselves into a positive frame and their opponents into a negative frame as their method of argument. It is not a real method of argument. The subject matter is not valid. It's not valid to mention the subjectivity of other persons' concerns in the public domain or use them for argument. Among the numerous reasons, objective realities will not be correctly determined in doing that.

Even when avoiding the subjective domain, the realities of corrupters never go beyond the meaningless arrangement of words, because objective realities defeat them. Corrupters rearrange realities for their purpose where objective evidence is called for. Such word salad must be devoid of the evidence which exposes corrupters for the fakes that they are. So word salad is used to make claims without evidence.

Journalism is deteriorating to the standard of word salad, as corrupters push their way into social structures and shove out rational persons. World salad as reporting leaves out the information that is needed to determine what is being said. Lack of necessary information has become so common-place that it is often necessary to go through Wikipedia after reading a story to find out what the subject consists of. There is no such thing as explaining what abbreviations mean now days, as us nonjournalists were taught to do in grammar classes decades ago.

The problem is worse than sloppiness; it's directed. All corrupters are promoting motives, as they live in a subjective world. The motives cause them to tailor their nonsense to prevent information from working against their motives. So they don't explain both sides of issues or include key details which show why someone has a different view than their own. It's as if the public medium were their own personal playground.

A recent example is the story that a judge in Florida scolded the CDC for applying standards to Cruise ships. Story after story gave no clue as to the nature of the argument but only that the CDC needed to stop contradicting the governor in their requirements for cruise ships. Eventually, it became apparent that the CDC had required more timid standards than the cruise ship operators. The CDC was requiring 95% vaccinations, while the operators were requiring 100% vaccinations. So the issue was not the health of society but whether government officials should be imposing themselves upon private businesses, as the judge explained it. It was a disgraceful judicial opinion favoring a conservative governor being sheltered from the truth by corrupt journalism.

Solving Problems By Word Salad

Trump campaigned on solving every problem he could think of. While president, there is not a thing he could do to solve the problems. He didn't have a clue on related subjects. Tweeting against opponents and firing everyone around him were his only mechanisms for getting things done.

That's problem solving by word salad—not the slightest concept of what solving problems would be, just making claims with no relationship to reality.

A strange corollary is the assumption that no one has ever attempted to solve such problems. If solving a problem is nothing more than speaking the word, then no one must have ever spoken the words that would solve the problems. In other words, such mindless persons as Trump assume he is the only one who has ever wanted to solve problems, otherwise no problems would exist. Word salad replaces all concepts of how things are done.

Another major example is the claim that Democrats stole the election. No one has ever explained how they did that. There was no claim of organized activity directed to the purpose. Supposedly, a miraculous result was produced without leaving a trace of evidence of how it was done. Wouldn't any such godly geniuses who could pull off such a stunt be the right persons to solve everyone's problems?

The whole concept of Democrats winning by fraud has nothing more to it than word salad. Corrupters assume any combination of words that they can construct for their motives is all there is to a subject, because they don't have a clue as to what the rest of a subject consists of in getting something done.

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