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Extreme Weather Says Nothing

June 18, 2022

Extreme weather says nothing of carbon dioxide or greenhouse gasses. Very seldom is weather not extreme. All forms of history show endless, dramatic weather extremes including a "Medieval Warm Period" and a "Little Ice Age" that recently occurred. Variations in solar intensity were the cause of those effects, as scientists have long known.

Twenty years ago, scientists were insisting that weather is not climate. A few journalists repeated the mantra in trying to tamp down the absurdities. But rational persons lost the fight for reality control in all areas. Now weather and any other effects are haled as the doom of greenhouse gases.

What it shows is how infantiles have overwhelmed the social order in all areas. When seventy percent of the Republicans can say they agree with Trump that the election was stolen, because they refuse to look at anything but the garbage produced by Fox News, it says infantiles have overwhelmed the social order. Adults are supposed to be more rational than that.

And that's where carbon dioxide propaganda is. Any look at the causes of weather effects would show how infantile the claims are. But the propagandists refuse to look shoving aside the rationality that would show what weather is actually doing.

The methodology determines the result and shows the motive. The methodology of fascist propagandists is stark. It's an imposition of absurdities with no opposition, logic or evidence allowed. That's not a respectable method of doing things, because it guarantees corruption and exudes the purpose of corrupters.

The fascism that has overwhelmed society in all areas is a power mongering force that brought corrupters to the surface and gave them a relevance that they did not previously have. Trashing reality is what they do.

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