How Fascism Works

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How Fascism Works  3

How Winning Works

September 6, 2024

Fake science and technology is how winners prevail against the laws of the universe.

The more winners win, the more problems they acquire. That's because winners put themselves in conflict with the universe to be winners. They win by three-second criteria and lose after that.

But winners can't understand why they lose after the three-second hit; so they assume something unfair must be going on. That means a large part of their existence is to combat some unfairness which results from putting themselves in conflict with the universe.

The reason why winning creates a conflict with the universe is because the opposite is rational constructivity and it must be objectively aligned upon the laws of the universe which define life and solutions to problems. Winning is something other than that. Anything other than objective rationality runs into conflict with the universe.

Lies are conflicts with the objective realities of the universe. But winning starts before the lies; it starts with force and violence which require lies.

Corrupters decide to be winners when rationality exposes them as incompetent losers. For incompetent losers to be winners, they need to replace rationality with force and violence as their method of prevailing against opponents.

So the concern of winners starts with their need to prevail against opponents to compensate for their incompetence. Instead of doing something about their incompetence, they lash out through force and violence to be winners.

Prevailing against other persons is domination. Domination is the basis of all corruption, because no one can function constructively while being dominated.

Yet corrupters convince themselves that being winners is the purpose of life; and therefore all opposition is the cause of problems and must be stomped out of existence. So all constructivity must be stomped out of existence to prevent incompetent corrupters from being losers.

Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed being a winner is the purpose in life and rationality is for fools. Rationality requires explanation of claims. It shows that corrupters believe in their corruption, while it puts them in conflict with the universe.

Rationality is alignment upon the objective realities of the universe that define life and solutions to problems. Adding subjectivity degrades the process as bias or prejudice. That means rationality must be carefully aligned upon objective realities while preventing subjectivity from influencing the results.

Yet corrupters revert to total subjectivity in conflict with objective reality in their attempts to be winners through domination. Subjectivity means their concerns are aligned upon themselves instead of the objective realities of the universe.

As corrupters rationalize their corruption, they convince themselves and believe in their frauds. It takes a lot of lying to promote the frauds that they believe in. Lying by definition is in conflict with surrounding realities. So corrupters learn to promote contradictions, which requires reducing reality to a corruption rather than the solutions to problems.

Corrupters then identify their enemies as persons who promote rationality, as if everyone should be promoting frauds aligned upon the selfishness of incompetents who use force and violence to be winners.

Disconnecting from objective reality causes winners to assume they can prevail over other persons. It never occurs to them that they incapacitate themselves without objective realities. In other words, they don't assume they need to be constructive to be winners. What they miss is that modern complexities leave incompetents disconnected from objective reality as irrelevant destroyers.

Force and violence is supposed to make up for the lack of constructivity, as if technology could be converted from laws of physics to relying on propaganda and lies.

Of course the most visible example is trying to get electric vehicles to function in a practical manner based upon mockeries of physics and engineering. Supposedly, electric motors get 96% efficiency and 100 to 150 miles per gallon equivalent in electric vehicles. Laws of the universe do not allow transformation of electrical energy into kinetic energy to get more than 40% efficiency. In electric vehicles the average is 25% efficiency, the same as gasoline power vehicles.

The worst problem is that electricity is the most wasteful source of energy, because 70-90% of the energy of electricity is lost to heat before being applied to a purpose and 60-75% is usually lost in being applied to a purpose. That means electric vehicles get 5-10 miles per gallon equivalent, not 100-150 mpg equivalent.

Then stringing the electricity along highways, after sending it hundreds or thousands of mile from fake renewable sources would require so much metal and space that it can't be done. That's why there are no significant charging stations along highways and never will be.

Yet the lying continues, as if technology could run on lies instead of laws of physics.

Electrical Efficiency Fraud

Electricity Is The Problem, Not The Solution

Understanding Fraud

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

How Fascism Works      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Economic Fraud
Radiative Transfer Equations
Why No Greenhouse Effect
Quotes On Greenhouse Fraud
Other Factors Heat The Planet
Consensus Corruption
Firing Scientists
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Self-Driving Fraud
Artificial Intelligence Fraud



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