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Political Philosophy  411

Why Ordered Existence

August 14, 2024

Conservatives expect to accomplish more without ordered existence, as "Project 2025" indicates. They want to reduce bureaucracies to nonfunctionality and put Trump in power as a totalitarian dictator with no elements of real government getting in their way. They assume that dictating on whim will solve their problems.

Of course, they will have to call out the military to control the situation and put opponents in concentration camps, as Project 2025 indicates. Then they assume they can enslave everyone else to build their automobiles, computers, airplanes, etc.

Why should enslaved people not be their ticket to success? Didn't the Nazis do a good job of enslaving their enemies to build military equipment? Of course the Nazis lost most of their slaves to starvation and disease; but why not, if there are too many persons on planet Earth? All they have to do is prevent another Eisenhower from bombing them out of existence.

Which gets to one of the main problems with totalitarian dictators. Someone who uses more rational methods will produce superior technology. It takes rationality to produce constructivity, not force and violence.

What it shows is that power mongers are extremely unrealistic in expecting to get normal results without the required procedures. The reason why is because they never get past the point of defeating truth and rationality and the enemies who impose truth and rationality upon them to find out what the requirements for constructivity consist of.

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