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Above Science


There is a strange mechanism in the minds of corrupt persons that causes them to reject what they don't understand. Most of science is too abstract for them to understand. So they cross out that science and replace it with their simple minded assumptions. In doing that, they oppose the crossed out science as being wrong—not as complexity which they don't understand but as being wrong. Which includes most of the evolved knowledge of science.

With the virus pandemic, there is a large group of persons (who are apparently all conservatives) who insist that the disease is burning out, because all viruses do the same thing, just like the flu, and immunity develops diminishing the social significance over time. The (representative) scientists keep insisting that the disease is getting worse socially. The naysayers say those scientists are wrong.

Approximately, the same thing happened with fake greenhouse gases which supposedly need to be defeated with renewable energy and electric vehicles. There is no real science to greenhouse gases. But greenhouse claims are more prevalent than the pandemic errors, because the physics is more abstract and know-nothing journalists railroaded the greenhouse effect onto society while scandalizing real scientists out of science. There are more people who understand what viruses are than who understand what the radiative transfer equations are.

Not everyone who assumes greenhouse gases are a threat to man got there the same way. Over time, people got indoctrinated on a greenhouse effect and have no way of knowing what the truth is.

But the conflict with science always begins with the mechanism in corrupt minds that requires complexities to be rejected as wrong. It's an inherent part of domination. To prevail, no complex realities can be allowed to exist when someone else knows more about them than the dominating corrupters. To do otherwise would be admitting to defeat as a loser.

Therefore, if someone tries to explain scientific complexities to corrupters, the corrupters will reject any part that they don't understand as being in error. That mentality puts corrupters above scientists who know more about science. The more scientists prove them wrong, the more corrupters assume the scientists are wrong. No one can be more right than incompetent corrupters dominating everyone else.

The question is not, what authorities to believe. Too much of that is what caused the issues to fall along political lines of conservatives vs. liberals. The concern is the relationship to reality including the mechanism of evaluating reality called rationality.

When evidence and explanations are produced, there is no justification in rejecting the realities without evidence and explanations which indicate why. But corrupters cannot be told, because they must remain superior to the persons doing the telling, even if the persons doing the telling are vastly more informed scientists.

Science, particularly physics, has been overwhelmed by incompetents who do not understand the abstractions of the subject and who cannot be right about complexities in science. But they should be irrelevant, because the relevance is in the explanations, and those types produce no explanations. They just expect everyone to trust them, while they make incredible claims. The relevance is in the explanations, not the authority, which all real scientists recognize and live by.

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