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Artificial Intelligence And Fascism

March 4, 2024

Artificial intelligence shows how the fantasy element of fascism works. There has been no real use for the latest artificial intelligence (LAI) beyond criminality; yet the hype goes off the graph with big plans for trillions of dollars to be spent on a fictitious wave of the future.

What makes fake artificial intelligence attractive to the fascists is its degradation of processes. Degrading the human state of existence is the purpose of fascists, as they are jealous of rational persons and want to reduce human existence to a level they can dominate.

The substitute for rationality that incompetent power mongers use is to push fantasy glamor to the skies. That motive shows up in the absurdities which have no concern for credibility, such as the danger of artificial intelligence rebelling against humans.

Then pumping endless amounts of money into the process is another mechanism for ripping everyone off and moving more resources upward unavailable to the general population and under the control of the frauds.

Fakes pretend that they are impressed by the ability of LAI to produce kiddie level responses to questions. The complexity might be impressive; but the usefulness is not. Adults need more specific and detailed information aligned upon exact relationships at the highest standards that can be achieved, not some rounded off generalizations based upon outdated realities.

Everything being said about the LAI is futuristic imagination. If they can't find something real by now, it isn't going to happen.

The examples show the limitations. The most noble example given is improvement in evaluation of cancer cells. Automation used for that purpose is not the same thing as LAI, as it does not scrape the internet for patterns. Information has to be fed in. Such automation has existed for decades; but there is now an increase in digital capacity for such processes.

But the claim is that a new method of synthesizing meaning is a monumental advancement. The main criticism is that any such synthesis is always be a degradation of a processes in its attempts to replace human evaluation, because algorithms are not reliable enough to do what human evaluation does.

And that is the main fraud in calling any of the computer processes intelligence. Algorithms will never be anywhere close to replacing human evaluation.

Of course, statistics will say improvement is occurring. That type of statistics says anything someone wants it to say. It's like comparing brown shoes to black shoes for the persons involved. One or the other will always be greater. Just keep modifying until the right one is on top. (Statistics was designed as a garbage process; so it could be used for that type of fraud.)

Actual automation makes improvements that don't need statistics to show the result. So real automation is used as the pretext for fake artificial intelligence. No promoting is needed for real automation; and so-called artificial intelligence cannot be rationalize on its own merit.

The persons who hype such fakery are all over the map in what artificial intelligence means. Generally, anything related to silicon based information is used. But the recent uproar is due to a new procedure based on scraping the internet and reconstructing the meaning. It in itself can't be rationalized. So older technology is sold as the basis for what is being hyped as a new procedure. The lack of standards and consistency in communication shows what a bunch of garbage heads they are. Fascists are garbage heads.

The latest "artificial intelligence" is a quasi-averaging process. There is almost no use for quasi averaging in modern society. Philosophers will often explain the degradation of a process that averaging produces. The average motion of a meat grinder is zero.

Therefore, what the whole process shows is the need for fakery by fascists in reducing the social state to decadence. Squandering resources is part of the fascist process, as constructive use of resources creates demands upon human capabilities which expose corrupters for what they are.

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