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Agriculture Fraud

March 7, 2024

As always, agriculture fraud is promoted by know-nothings reducing human existence to rubble. And as always, agriculture fraud is created by incompetent power mongers who find fraud to be the most exploitable method of ripping everyone off.

Everyone could be eating organic food with no harm to the environment easier than not. It's the motives that are the problem, not the laws of the universe.

That means the total social context is part of the problem and the real solutions can only be hypothetical. But the hypothetical solutions are part of the truth that is needed to diminish the corruption. The truth shows how and why incompetent corrupters are the problem, not the solution they claim to be.

The context that has long been recognized by realistic persons is that individual farmers are essential to improving agriculture, as shown by the ravages of big agriculture. Big agriculture means steamrolling over everything that gets in the way including environments and human concerns.

Individual farmers see what needs to be done and adapt to complex conditions which are always changing in agriculture, while big agriculture is planned in offices on theoretical bases which run rough shod over environmental and human concerns. Over-simplifying complexities is an inevitable part of big agriculture.
Organic beef could be unlimitedly available by feeding alfalfa instead of corn and soybeans. Alfalfa does not normally require chemicals—neither fertilizer nor pesticides; alfalfaand it will grow any place grass will grow.

Alfalfa is a leafy legume that can use nitrogen from the atmosphere, if necessary. It grows fast and allows the entire plant to be fed to ruminants, as those types of animals evolved on eating cellulose, not starch and concentrated protein.

Of course, cellulose feed will not produce the fatty meat that starch does; but that should theoretically be an improvement in health. The wheeler dealers want fatty beef, because it is more juicy and tender, at least when eaten almost raw. There are cooking methods that make even flank steak tender; but that is low class cooking, not steakhouse cooking.

So that shows that one of the major factors involved is classism with its wantonness. Power mongers do the deciding; and they want entertainment, not survival nutrition. Which is closely related to big agriculture being part of the party atmosphere of power mongers.

Vegetable production is an entirely different type of agriculture which evolved its own problems for different reasons. Centuries ago, ideal environments were sought, where warm climate and sandy soil indicated that California is the place. With modern procedures, California is the worst place for vegetables, because the sandy soil has nothing for nutrients; and sand lacks capillary action which is needed for good growth.

Capillary action moves water and nutrients toward the roots. Without capillary action, the roots need to grow outward to get to the water and nutrients. The result is that growth takes twice as long or more without capillary action in the soil. And the quality is much lower due to stressed and delayed growth.

Freezing winters are also needed to produce quality vegetables, because nutrients get recycled with the freezing process. Ice crystals break open most cells in winter soil to recycle the nutrients. Special bacteria feed on the debris, as thawing occurs; and they then donate optimal nutrients to plant roots, having a very symbiotic relation to plants.

That process allows nitrogen to build up in the soil, which is supplied by nitrates generated by lightning in thunder storms. Ammonia fertilizer is no problem, but the know-nothings do not allow such fertilizer with organic food, which leaves nothing realistic for organic nitrogen in sandy soils.

Then the know-nothings promote the use of sewage sludge on agricultural soil, while the sludge contains every toxic substance produced by humans including heavy metals, which stay in the ground for millions of years, and PFAS, which don't break down, while they disrupt hormones in animals. Know-nothings claim sewage sludge builds up the soil. Any soil that needs building up shouldn't be used for agriculture to start with.

That means vegetables should be grown in most states, not just California. With freezing storage and canning, a long growing season is not needed. One of the reasons that isn't happening is because there is a developed industry with its culture and ecology in California. But just as globalization has taken over manufacturing, agricultural technology can easily be transferred now days.

Instead of doing any of that, the fakes are pretending that producing meat in a vat is the wave of the future. They don't understand the logistics of transferring millions of acres of farm ground into vats. The environmental damage alone would be intolerable. Animals have physiology which reduces the waste to good quality fertilizer that does not harm the environment. Trying to replace that physiology with vats of fluids is beyond arrogance.

Strangely, that is exactly why it is occurring. Incompetents want to glorify decadence in their attempts to replace rationality based on objective reality with their impositions onto everyone else. It's how domination works. Incompetents are losers where there is rationality; so they try to replace rationality with domination to make themselves winners by prevailing over other persons.

To maximize the power of decadence, power mongers and their know-nothing followers pretend that they are synthesizing solutions to agriculture problems in laboratories through genetic engineering. Supposedly, the genetically modified organisms (GMOs) will increase agriculture yields. They aren't designed to do that. Any manipulation of genetics will decrease yields, because nature optimized grown in balancing all elements of the genomes. Any modification reduces optimum growth.

Not to mention that the primary purpose of the GMOs is to resist herbicides, not to increase yields, so spraying can replace tillage. Tillage takes a lot of time on a tractor. Spraying is done by specialists with no more than a phone call. So GMOs allow big operators to farm twice as many acres.

The main problem in doing that is that the absence of tillage is destroying farm ground and waterways, as topsoil runs off the land and into the streams and rivers. Gulley erosion is one of the intractable problems. Trying to prevent gully erosion is one of the largest subjects being researched in agriculture, but with no success.

Tillage is needed to prevent erosion in addition to improving plant growth, because breaking up the crust on the surface is needed to allow moisture and oxygen to enter the soil. Also, tillage is needed to incorporate refuse into the soil, which stops erosion, while refuse on the surface does not, as water runs around and under refuse which is left on the surface.

You don't think university scientists know that? They couldn't miss it; but it is irrelevant to the task of putting big agriculture in control of the food supply.

50 Billion People

The planet could sustain 50 billion people easier than it is sustaining 8 billion, if resources were developed instead of squandered. But incompetent power mongers are dead certain there are not enough resources for the people who presently exist.

Nothing could squander resources more wantonly than so-called renewable energy and electric vehicles. Incompetents don't know that, because they have to cross their bridges to determine what they consist of, having no ability to evaluate or predict.

There are already shortages of metals developing due to the ungodly amount of metal required for renewables and their transmission lines in addition to transportation batteries, which are absurdly impractical; but know-nothings don't know such things yet.

Instead of wasting natural gas to generate electricity, clean coal should be used, until responsible nuclear can be produced. Eventually, all that coal in Wyoming will be covered with ice, as the next ice age is scheduled to occur at any time; but exactly when is impossible to say.

Producing Beef On Alfalfa

50 Billion People

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