The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  139

The Attitude Of Mongering Power


November 10, 2023

Power is mongered through strife. Strife is an absorbing processs that creates an attitude.

The attitude of strife says that the winners are superior persons. Superior at what? Nothing identifiable, just as persons. Why be superior if the results are not identifiable?

There is no analysis with corruption, because corruption is a substitute for rationality. The losers at producing rationality look for a path that makes them winners without rationality.

That's why rational persons are being degrade with labels such as "woke" or "elites." The purpose is to replace rationality with a different standard. Replace means do away with the alternative.

Corrupters fight a war against rationality, because rationality exposes them as the corrupters that they are. There are two reasons why. First, corrupters are losers at producing rationality; so they don't want something to exist that makes them losers. Second, the result and purpose of rationality is to produce truth, while truth defeats corruption.

What then is the alternative to rationality? There is none. It's an absence. Corruption creates a void for realities.

That void gets filled in with contradictory realities which do not have a meaning. Connotations replace meaning. That means positive impressions are used to promote corrupters and negative impressions are pinned onto opponents. Name calling is the simplest method of doing that.

Under those conditions, winners are defined in terms of domination. Those who prevail over other persons are supposedly superior persons; but they are only superior in their ability to prevail over other persons, not in solving problems.

Domination is destructive, because it is based on subtracting from what exists instead of adding to it. Corrupters prevail by tearing others down rather than building themselves up.

Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. Explaining claims is an essential element of the rationality needed to produce real results. So the net effect of Reagan's assumption is that real results must be avoided to produce winners.

Winners spend their time trying to prevent others from producing real results, because it takes rationality to produce real results and rationality exposes incompetent corrupters for what they are.

Power mongers take over social structures and convert them into power structures by preventing rational persons from producing real results. Nonsense results are used as substitutes for real results. Rationality is stripped from the process by requiring nonsense results.

One of the most definable examples is relativity in physics. There is no relationship to anything in the laws of nature in relativity. Instead of describing something that exists, relativity is used as a test of allegiance to a fraud machine in physics. Physicists are required to promote fraud through relativity much as street gangsters are required to commit crime to prove their allegiance to the gangsters.

Physics is glamorized through fraud either pretending to do the impossible through such wizardry as space projects or pretending to solving impossible problems through such futurism as replacing energy and transportation systems to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Wizardry and futurism are how incompetent power mongers contrive value out of emptiness. "On par with coal" takes care of so-called renewable energy systems which increase the cost of electricity by a factor of ten when hitting a wall of impossibilities at 15% of electrical supplies. "Carbon free" is how electric vehicles are promoted, while there isn't enough metal on planet Earth to electrify transportation.

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Electric Vehicle Fraud

Relativity Fraud

How Power Mongering Works

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