The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  141

Authoritarianism As Anti-Rationality


November 25, 2023

Incompetent corrupters use mongered power as a substitute for rationality. To sell the substitute, they need to frame it as superior to rationality; and it needs to negate the rationality that opponents produce. The image they use for doing all of that is authority.

Real authority supersedes opposition; and it must be derived from a valid process such as democracy and its laws. So fakes mongering power pretend they have authority which supersedes rationality and originates with some removed, mysterious source. It's fake authority; and imposing it is authoritarianism in contrast to valid authority.

The difference between authority and authoritarianism is the addition of power mongering, since power mongering is the primary concern of corrupters. But seldom is authoritarianism identified as such, while there are strong elements of it throughout the social structures.

So-called fact checking is an example. How are facts determined, when the label "fact checking" is used? Authority is the only criterion for determining facts under that umbrella, while there is no way to get correct facts through an imposing mechanism replacing the rationality mechanism.

Even if the checked fact were superficially correct, it isn't going to enter someone's mind properly when imposed rather than explained. If it needs to be imposed, it needs to be explained instead.

Why tell us that fake renewable energy is "on par with coal?" If anyone needs to know whether it is, they need to know what it means and the reasons why.

Imposing rather than explaining is an element of authoritarianism. As fascism steamrolls over society, information is being replaced with imposition of fraud. It shows that power mongers replace rationality with force and violence.

Corrupters would need rationality to get constructive results. What result do they produce without rationality and constructivity? The power to dominate is what corrupters produce.

Domination requires degradation, because opponents need to be reduced to dominate them. Corrupters don't build themselves up to dominate. Building themselves up would require rationality and constructivity. So they tear others down to dominate them.

Corruption must always have a fake image for two reasons. One, go-alongs must be convinced that they are getting somewhere. And two, criticism from opponents must be countered with fake claims of accomplishing something.

So corrupters use fixing as the pretext for degradation. Nazism was supposedly fixing an Arian race. "The final solution" of gas chambers was supposedly a fix for something. The recent resurgence of white racism is supposedly an attempt to protect the gene pool from immigrants.

Authorities supposedly fix things. So the claim of fixing is used to justify the degradations that authoritarians produce, while the methodology of imposing to eradicate rationality guarantees that the fixing is detrimental and degrading.

The purpose is not to create meaning for realities but to strip meaning from realities. That's because meaning gives individuals the knowledge that is needed to solve problems. Knowledge and solving problems are despised concepts to power mongers attempting to control by dominating.

Power mongers want ignorant serfs. Giving the serfs knowledge redirects their purposes to solving their problems.

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