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Authoritarianism Basics

March 28, 2024

Descriptions at the media level are concerned with what is happening but not the abstract basics which explain why. Abstract basics explain cause-and-effect relationships. As authoritarianism takes over society everywhere, being an element of fascism, it needs to be understood better.

As Trump becomes more of a loser, he reverts to authoritarianism more dogmatically in contempt for the realities involved. That's because authoritarianism is a back-stop for losers. Trump's focus is on subservience to himself and nothing else.

Superficially, authoritarianism is a focus on personalities as sources of power. First and foremost of relevance is that power is a short-cut method of making winners out of losers. There is nothing constructive about power of that sort. Words such as power can mean a wide variety of things; but personal power has one clear meaning in it applications. It means overwhelming through domination. The reason why shows the nature of the problem and solutions.

The starting point of corruption is incompetents being losers when the demands of rationality overwhelm them and assuming, if they could prevail against other persons, it would solve their problems. Prevailing against other persons requires the use of force to overwhelm and dominate.

Since it is rationality that brings out that reaction, the result is not only an absence of rationality but a war against rationality. In place of rationality, the solutions to problems are framed in terms of the power to dominate. When socialized, the power to dominate is authoritarianism.

The more problems corrupters acquire, the more they need the power to dominate. Since all corruption is self-destructive, the more successful corrupters are at dominating, the more problems they acquire and the more they need to dominate.

At the social level, authoritarianism and related fascism become unstoppable once they get started. In theory, truth and common sense could stop authoritarianism and fascism. The reasons why authoritarianism and fascism begin are the reasons why the truth and common sense do not prevail.

Since that problem is increasing at the present time, it is possible to look at the recent history to evaluate how it occurs. The so-called new normal that Reaganites promoted was an attempt to change normalcy from rationality to domination as an ethic. Of course, proof is needed for such a bold statement and nothing proclaimed will be accepted as proof. However, rationality generates truth which corrupters cannot counter.

Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed being a winner is the purpose in life and rationality is for fools. Rationality requires explanation of claims. Being a winner in contempt for rationality is the essence of authoritarianism and fascism.

As always, authoritarians as fascists must obliterate real laws to eliminate any opposition to their power. So Reagan also said, government is the problem. To get government off their backs, Reaganites threw out critical laws through so-called deregulation. Throwing out banking laws allows power mongers to strip the money supply from the functional economy and use it to control society.

Trumpism is what the Reaganites were promoting. It took fifty years to get there; but it was an evolving force that created Trumpism, not Trump creating anything.

Why did the prevailing social force move in that direction? Demagoguery is that way. It promotes power through domination as the shortcut method of success. Rationality is easily degraded, because it is a lot of hard work. Accomplishing difficult tasks is degraded by authoritarian fascists as being for losers. Winners are those who follow easy-street to success. Why would they be winners, if they didn't know what they were doing? Because force and violence is a lot easier to produce than rationality.

But Reaganism was not totally the origins of the authoritarianism and fascism that is overwhelming society. Low-level corruption always exists in the background; but the corruption became more than low-level and entered the authoritarian domain with the corruption of physics. Normal science would have been too trivial to generate such a force in society; but physics became more than a science seeking knowledge. Physics had the ability to harness large-scale resources for taking on monumental tasks in supposedly solving society's problems.

Atom smashers are not instruments; they are cities. The supposed measurement of gravity waves was a ten billion dollar project. That's power—the power of authoritarianism in the hands of frauds who haven't created an iota of correct physics since Joule's fake measurement of 1845 created a false definition of kinetic energy.

Physics fakery went from fraudulent measurements to fantasizing human existence, supposedly charting the paths to inhabiting the universe. The fantasizing extended physics frauds into the social domain. It showed that unlimited social power was available to frauds.

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Joule's Fake Measurement

The Fraud Of Gravity Wave Measurements

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

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Gravity Waves
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