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The Carbon Dioxide Mind-Frame


April 11, 2024

The carbon dioxide mind-frame shows, unlike anything else, how minds are corrupted by fraud. A large part of general literature and law shows how people are duped due to failures of thought processes. There could be a new name for the phenomenon of being duped, since it stands out unlike anything else: the carbon dioxide mind-frame.

Why did the carbon dioxide mind-frame overwhelm the social order so completely? Not because of the science or evidence. The simplicity of the science is grade school level. The evidence was argued until fifteen years ago. About half of society was on each side of the issue until then. Some persons thought the argument ended when emails showed how science frauds were railroading the subject. Then there was little said for a few years; and then the issue came back with one side only.

Now the promoters of the cause are turning hell over to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They are making no progress. Every attempt to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere puts in more carbon dioxide instead of less, which includes the so-called renewables and endless removal processes. It says something about the mind-frame, when the end result of the activity is the opposite of the purpose, while it keeps going on and on.

The first point about the fraud to make is the grade school level science. Carbon dioxide will only absorb long wave radiation at 2.3, 4.7 and 15 microns. Only cold substances produce such long wave radiation. But cold substance produce very little radiation. So there is almost no radiation for carbon dioxide to absorb.

Real scientists observed that fact more than a century ago and said, all available radiation gets absorbed in a short distance of travel, so more carbon dioxide cannot absorb more radiation, which they called saturation. They had no influence over the social result. The incompetent scientists promoting the cause could not be touched by the real science.

Therefore, the mind-frame that produces that result is unlike any other example of people being duped in terms of the simplicity, extreme expense and emotional turmoil being forced onto the kids, decade after decade, with no improvement and ever increasing panic in the attempts to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

How that mind-frame works shows the interacting factors that go into corruption. One thing it shows is that corruption overwhelms rationality. It's due both to the numbers and the simplicity of corruption. Rational persons are outnumbered by corrupters. The simplicity requires nothing more than force replacing realities. Rationality is complex in determining relationships between relevant realities. The force involves shoving real scientists out of the process, if not out of their jobs. It also includes no criticism being allowed in the media, as know-nothings impose absurdities onto society, such as "carbon free" and "on par with coal."

The windmills being constructed for the purpose require 100 to 150 truckloads of concrete each. Concrete is processed by heating to drive out carbonates. There is an equal weight of cement and the carbon dioxide being driven out. Producing a ton of cement puts a ton of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. And the heating will always require more carbon dioxide to generate the heat. For that reason and others including the extreme amount of metal in transmission lines, so-called renewables put more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than fossil fuel based energy sources.

The element of defiance, literally belligerence, is obvious in contradicting such simple facts. Corruption always has the same characteristics but never so extreme and persistent in the face of truth as the carbon dioxide mind-frame. Of course, most persons do not know the facts in spite of, or due to, the phony fact checking; but it takes a degree of corruption to go along with corruption, because corruption doesn't look like rationality.

Corrupters don't miss the difference between corruption and rationality; they just assume that rationality is for fools and corruption is the answer to everything, because corruption makes them winners. Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. Explanation of claims is a requirement of rationality. Incompetents can only be winners by making others losers, because they are incapable of making themselves winners through constructivity.

At the starting point of corruption, incompetents become losers where there is rationality. To be winners, they assume, if they could prevail against others, it would solve their problems and make them winners. Trump shows the effect in an extreme way. He must convince himself that he is a winner by being ever more obnoxious in degrading opponents, as the truth catches up to him.

The reason why so many persons believe in the fraud, while the fraud doesn't look anything like rationality, is because they go along with the perception of power in terms of the number of persons agreeing as consensus. When incompetents feel like losers due to rationality exposing them as the incompetent corrupters that they are, they need the security that the power of numbers produces.

There are endless spin-offs, once consensus is relied upon. Rationalizations are needed to counter the truth. After repeating rationalizations a few times, corrupters convince themselves that the rationalizations must be truth. They assume, surely all those persons couldn't be wrong.

Then there is a resilience in combatting criticism. Clearly defined logic is pushed aside assuming that an erroneous logic can be produced for any purpose; and therefore, rationality becomes irrelevant in promoting the fraud that makes corrupters winners. The power of numbers determines the version of truth corrupters go by, not the logic of rationality.

Corrupters disconnect from objective reality in turning to the power of numbers due to the conflict with objective reality that consensus produces. Consensus as assumed truth is always a conflict with objective reality, because aligning upon objective reality makes the person's disappear as irrelevant to the realities. Consensus means persons are aligned upon as determiners of reality.

The conflicts resulting from corruption are pervasive and usually trivialized as background which is not allowed to become an obstacle to purposes. But the carbon dioxide fraud is not allowed to be trivialized as background, as it has taken over the social order, economy, industries and governments. The reason why the carbon dioxide fraud is extreme is because fake science and technology are involved, which generates a power for corruption unlike any other type of corruption. It's the power of science, technology, economics, industry and governments that makes the carbon dioxide fraud unprecedented in its magnitude and destructivity.

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