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Corn Fraud


March 6, 2023

The manner in which corn is being grown is a detriment to society, destruction of the environment, erosion of the soil and pollution of waterways. The know-nothings who impose it onto society are the same bunch that imposed fake science and technology.

Frauds claim genetically engineered corn has the purpose of improving everything about growing corn. The opposite is true. Everything about growing corn is degraded by the process, because the only motive is convenience which allows the growers to handling more acres.

Genetically modified corn reduces yield to about 70-80% of normal, while frauds claim it increases yield. The process doesn't have the purpose of increasing yield; so how could it do so accidentally? The purpose is to kill more weeds by spraying, so tillage is not needed. But the weeds rapidly adapt to the spray; and then the problem is increased. The increased spraying also makes the crops more toxic to animals and humans.

There is a truism about genetic modifications that frauds defy. It's that human influences over genetics always degrade total, net effects in the attempts to control isolated effects. That's because nature balanced all effects over tens of millions of years of evolution. Improving that balance cannot be done by humans, because humans don't even know what that balance consists of, while the balance includes micro effects upon all elements of the physiology. To manipulate the process is to degrade the over-all balance of physiology that evolved. In other words, fixing one thing (by human criteria) is degrading other things, when manipulating DNA. It's a truism.

Know-nothings have vague impressions which they smear over an entire subject creating falsehoods. Humans made a lot of improvements in genetics of crops by combining parental types through hybridization and other methods of selection. Selection is picking something out of nature and redirecting it. Know-nothings don't have a clue. They just assumes humans sticking their hands into things will do almost anything they want.

The only motive for growers using genetically engineered corn is to allow spraying to replace tillage. Spraying destroys the environment, land and health of the animals and public; but it reduces labor allowing more acres to be handled per farmer.

Crop farmers in the U.S. cannot generally hire labor; so reducing labor for themselves determines how much they can get done. That's the only motive for genetically modified corn, not the good of mankind or the environment.

The genetically modified types of corn (GMOs) are designed to allow weed spray to be resisted by the corn, so more spraying can be done. Growers then contract out the spraying for weeds. The spraying replaces tillage which is labor intensive.

Before GMOs, weeds were controlled by a combination of some spraying and some tillage. Tillage means equipment would go over the ground about three times per year, the purpose being to break up the surface and kill some types of weeds that spraying did not affect. Going over the ground that much was a lot of work. Eliminating the tillage allowed farmers to manage twice as many acres of corn; but the price was an increased weed problem due to tolerance, creating gulley erosion ruining the ground and runoff contaminating waterways.

The frauds who promote the process—the same bunch of know-nothings that imposed greenhouse gases and renewable energy onto society—claim the purpose of GMOs is to improve agriculture and save the planet. It's the exact opposite of what happens. How could such a brainless bunch know anything about the subject?

The scientists never made any such claims. Just like greenhouse gases, know-nothings made the absurd claims and imposed them onto the public with no criticism allowed. Only after the public was convinced did the incompetent scientists come out in the open and pretend that the claims were scientific.

Until the public was propagandized, the scientists were saying nothing more about the corn GMOs than that the purpose was to allow more spraying. The scientists didn't make the big claims about social benefits that the know-nothings imposed onto the public.

The first and most absurd fraud is the claim that spraying is an improvement over tillage. Know-nothings claim tillage ruins the ground, because nature doesn't do tillage. Does Nature do weed spraying?

Tillage reduces erosion; but know-nothings assume it causes erosion. One of the purposes of tillage is to break up the crust on the surface. Rain causes the surface of the soil to harden into a crust. That crust promotes erosion in addition to blocking absorption of water and oxygen. Water flowing over the crust gains velocity and follows paths which create gulley erosion.

Know-nothings promote so-called no-till as supposedly being natural and good for everything. As a result, farmers are supposed to leave crop refuse on the surface, sort of like nature would. The residue on the surface is extremely detrimental to everything involved. It can't decay on the surface; so it gets in the way of farming; and it promotes more erosion by allowing water to flow under and around it creating channels.

Crop refuse needs to be worked into the surface for decay and stopping erosion. It takes soil mixed with the refuse to do that. When the soil and refuse are separated, the worst of all conditions exist, where water flow is not blocked and decay cannot occur.

In other words, no-till is promoted as a cause by know-nothings similar to removing carbon dioxide from the air. Why do some farmers go along with it? Apparently, some of them don't know a thing about agriculture and want to be a part of the crowd that saves the planet from rationality. It's a mind frame similar to the promotion of QAnon. The power of fraud seems like the answer to everything, not based on objective reality but on the high feeling of group power prevailing over the challenges of constructivity through rationality.

The largest subject being researched in agriculture is an attempt to prevent gulley erosion with no-till. No good solutions have been found. Grassing waterways is the only solution being suggested; and it does almost nothing under such conditions. In the south, a cover-crop can be planted during the winter; but it doesn't fix anything during the summertime and is not possible in most places.

What GMOs and no-till show in growing corn is that the mechanism of know-nothings saving mankind is the same for any subject. It's a process of substituting destructivity for constructivity for the power that it generates. Fraud is needed to monger power. Know-nothings can't get where they want to be without the power of destructivity, because it takes a disconnect from the complex challenges of constructivity to gain a position of superiority over rational persons.

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