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Conservatives As Philosophers

March 11, 2021

One of the main explanations that conservatives use for opposing social programs is that the result creates "dependency." Social dependency is a philosophical concept. What is philosophy without abstract concepts? Conservatives have no abstract reality.

So the erroneous philosophy needs to be evaluated. The first and most relevant element of the concept of social dependency is, what business is it of conservatives what anyone is dependent upon. They seem to be their brothers' keepers. They certainly intend to be.

If being their brothers' keepers meant solving their problems, no one would complain. Solving problems means staying some distance away. But there is the other type of keepers who don't let people live their own lives. That's what type of keepers conservatives are.

Not letting people live their own lives is a contempt for everything in democratic government, its constitution and the concept of "freedom" which conservatives harp on endlessly. What is freedom when incompetent jerks are running your life?

Supposedly, the logic runs back to big government absorbing too many tax dollars. But the links don't connect. Independent of conservatives burning trillions of tax dollars through corporation give-aways, dependency doesn't link to taxes, because the dependent persons don't write their own laws. Dependency is a psychological condition which does not infect the lawmakers who produce the laws. The psychological weaknesses of the nobodies afflicted with a dependency doesn't influence the writing of laws. Will liberals write more laws for social programs when the see the lower classes afflicted with a dependency? Some psychological science would be needed to show that relationship instead of ignoramuses imposing it as political fact.

So why not allow the recipients of social programs to become dependent upon social programs? Is it a moral obligation? If so, it has nothing to do with taxes. Why should conservatives be moral fixers for persons at the bottom of society? Isn't morality a religious concern rather than a political concern? Isn't moral fixing through government a contempt for separation of church and state?

What happened to that purified race of Arians after Eisenhower bombed their country? Are they breeding with other races now? Is that going to result in more gas chambers or fewer?

That's how credible and valid the fake philosophy of oppressors purifying the social order is. Getting rid of a dependency is a stepping stone in the same direction as gassing the worthless eaters.

That's how credible and valid the fake philosophy of oppressors purifying the social order is. Getting rid of a dependency is a stepping stone in the same direction as gassing the worthless eaters.

Notice this important fact which is definitive of this whole subject. Conservatives target the subjective, personal concerns of their victims, which are no one's business. Social interactions are supposed to be objective including the function of government. There is no such thing as objective existence to corrupters. They subjectivize everything they do, because they are disconnected from objective reality.

Conservatives target the subjective and personal concerns of other persons as their ticket to success. This tactic includes their promotion of values. They harp on values. It's inappropriate in politics and everywhere else. It robs people of the right to have their own values. Corrupters have no ability to evaluate someone else's personal concerns, which means they aren't supposed to.

It's as inappropriate as practicing medicine without a license. Yet it's how corrupters create their three-second win. They can't lose attacking someone else’s personal, subjective concerns and values, because there is no proof in the subjective area. It's all in the eyes of the beholder.

It's a criminal way of doing things. Conservatives operate at criminal standards. Yet they consider their standards to be the only acceptable way of doing things. And since others do not do things that way, conservatives assume they must shove out other persons and take over everything to instill the proper standards—criminal standards which the live by.


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