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All Corruption Is The Same

March 2, 2021

All corruption is driven by the same motives and produces the same results with the differences being produced by external factors. Corrupters are all driven to strip rationality from their environment. They want to reduce others to their own level or stomp them under their feet to dominate them, so no one is any better off than they are.

At the individual level, the result is abuse. At the governmental level, the result is determined by developed forces that compete.

In the U.S., the competing forces were stripped away by Trump's control of the government, which gave corrupters a new opportunity to express their motives. The genie will never quite go back into the bottle it was in. Corrupters in the U.S. will forever feel empowered by the expectation of another Trump stripping away the obstacles to their prevailing at the social and governmental level.

When that result of overwhelming corruption occurs in the assumed most powerful country, it will always have the same characteristics which the Nazis demonstrated. Regardless of the labels, the corruption Trump created was/is moving in the same direction with the same characteristics the Nazis demonstrated. Of course, the label is shot and the image needs to be different, but the results are identical.

The first and foremost significance of corrupters taking over a major country is the eradication of government. Totalitarian rule is not a form of government; it is an absence of government. The whims of corrupters replace government. It is their purpose as stated by Reagan at the beginning of the present trend when he said, government is not the answer, it is the problem. He didn't qualify his concern as a particular type of government and had no intention of solving the problems of government. His purpose was to eradicate the essence of government. Trump and followers, even more so.

Of course, they intend to create a utopia. They assume that destroying enemies will solve their problems. Murdering, lying and destroying is how they do it. The fact that stomping everyone below their own feet doesn't solve their problems doesn't change a thing about the destructiveness of their standards.

They are megalomaniacs. They assume they have the secret formula to success. It's nothing but destructivity as the answer to their problems.

What Nazism shows is that there is a large group of persons who don't assume there should be a rational state of existence. It isn't that corruption drove them to that point; it's that that set of assumptions shaped their corruption.

There is no underlying sense of the requirements for life in the assumptions of corrupters. They expect to achieve successful lives through processes which destroy life.

That state requires a missing perspective in their minds to indicate what the requirements for life are. What is missing is a view of the universe as the source of life. They don't see the existence of the universe. Objects in space are objects to them, not laws of existence. An absence of abstract realities in their minds does that.


The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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