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Convenience Reality


April 20, 2021

The whole social order is breaking down due to conflicts with objective reality. Convenience reality replaced objective reality. Convenience reality is not stable. It continuously slides into ever increasing corruption.

There is a reality problem everywhere. QAnon is an example. Social media isolated a group of persons who went off the charts for absurdities. But the same is true everywhere. Everyone is inside a QAnon bubble where there is no reference for objective reality.

This is the only reason why fake science and technology are being promoted. They are the QAnon realities that became the norm with no outside view to say something is wrong.

Any number of scientists tried to say something is wrong. That was decades ago. They got shoved out of science for opposing a consensus forced onto society by know-nothing journalists.

Nonscientists have no ability to evaluate science. It's way over their heads due to details and complexity. For that reason, journalists should never have been drawing conclusions about science. Instead, they took a position and it was the wrong position. Instead of allowing truth to evolve through the interactions of realities, they blocked all criticism, while real scientists were shoved out of science.

Still, there would have been no problem with proper standards of rationality. Rational persons look to find out. Irrational persons do not; they look for convenience reality which they can exploit. Fake reality is exploitable; objective reality is not.

It takes a lot of work to deal with objective reality, because it has to be just right in a complex society. Convenience reality is a shortcut method which requires no competence.

What happened socially is that incompetent power mongers pushed their way into the social structures and shoved out rational persons. This result appears to be an automatic consequence of a highly developed social order with complex social structures. Social structures create a potential source of power which incompetent persons take advantage of.

Without rational persons setting the standards, convenience reality became the norm. It's not stable; it keeps getting more and more unreal as it take such forms as greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles, self-driving and going to Mars.

Convenience reality results from the wrong methods of determining what reality is. It results from a picking-and-choosing process, as if a flavor of ice cream were being selected.

That's not how reality is supposed to be handled. There is supposed to be a verification process to handling reality. It involves looking at sources and alternatives and comparing them to known and stable objective realities. Not doing that results in realities which are corrupt and unstable.

Convenience realities drift toward increasing corruption due to the power of numbers. As more and more persons align upon corrupt realities, those realities become a source of power due to the numbers. The power is used by incompetent corrupters to railroad realities and consequences.

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The Failure Of Journalists

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