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The Failure Of Journalists

Global warming assumptions were created by journalists bringing incompetent science to the surface and not allowing criticism of it.

August 29, 2020

Journalists were the sentinels. They failed to protect the public from fascism developing in society.

Conservatives were allowed to lie to the public, while journalists only mentioned the lies in the opinion sections which disappear in history. Most conservative lies are rationalizations with no relationship to reality, such as, we have plenty of personal protective equipment, while health care workers re-use disposable masks for days and weeks—month after month with no let up.

Blame the journalists, because accountability was their responsibility. Criminals will do whatever they are allowed to do. They will get elected when the journalists are asleep at the switch.

In fact, journalists pick up some of the lies as if they were facts, such as Trump supposedly improving the economy, while there is nothing he ever did that would improve an economy.

Corporations burning tax dollars on stock buy-backs doesn't improve an economy. The economy is a train wreck due to tariffs and stifled competitiveness of U.S. products. The trade deficit was doubled by Trump because of those factors.

There is an oddity, where conservatives go out and start partying when they win the White House, which creates a blip in the economy at the service sector level including more restaurants opening up. Then they withdraw when liberals get elected. That type of result does nothing for exports and global competitiveness.

Stripping Morality From Accountability

Journalists have been adhering to the rule of never allowing moral implications to develop in reporting. Corruption is defined by its moral implications. So the most critical information was stripped form journalism as the social order deteriorated.

Corrupters oppose moral implications by attacking social critics, because moral truth condemns corrupters. Corruption is supposedly an alternative set of values with it's own validity, if not superiority. Instead of standing up to the pressure, journalists caved and took the easy route of pandering to corrupters' demands.

Superficial, rote descriptions strip moral implications from reporting. The emptiness creates false equivalencies between constructive and destructive standards in the subject matter, such as Trump, the lawless fascist, being presidential and equivalent to his opponents in political disputes.

It isn't that journalists are supposed to say, now we are going to reduce Trump down to the level where he belongs. All they have to do is produce the relevant information and let it speak for itself. It's the omissions that corrupt journalism, not the errors. The errors get straightened out; the omissions don't get straightened out.

An example is the Administration pretense that the Post Office is supposed to be efficient and lean to pay it's own way, which resulted in worker cuts, process reductions and slowing services, even during the pandemic, while the airline industry was given $40 billion dollars so far for taxpayer bailout money. The journalists never compared the contradictions. Each subject was mentioned separately and largely glossed over. Conservatives could have been buried in the truth of their own contradictions.

Obstructionist Omissions

Trump is clearly breaking every law he can break as a method of stripping government of it's constitutional democracy based on laws and accountability. He gets by with it. Only journalists can create accountability through truth. Politicians are hamstrung without the truth journalists are supposed to be producing.

There are missing specifics which would show the corruptness, such as laws being broken, lies and contradictions in statements and adverse consequences to be described. Putting that information elsewhere erases it from the meaning of reported material.

The railing in opinion columns doesn't correct the misrepresentations in the news sections. It is the news sections which define the subject and present the evidence. Opinions can only acquire their meaning from material found in the news sections.

Chaos in the social order is moving toward fascism. It is always social chaos that breeds fascism. When the public does not see the answer to problems in rationality, they allow the emotionalism of demagogues to rule.

Only journalists can influence the tendency of the public to chose rationality or emotional demagoguery, as journalists determine what the public sees as options.

The Origins Were In Science

Social deterioration is a slow process. The deterioration of science began long before resulting problems were visible. Science sets the standards for rationality. When rationality disappears in science, it isn't going to exist elsewhere in society.

Science has been overwhelmed by incompetent corrupters who do not understand the abstractions of scientific knowledge. Journalists brought the corrupters of science to the surface and instigated the destruction of critics such as imposing global warming assumptions onto society and blocking all criticism claiming it to be anti-science.

Politicians and lawyers cannot evaluate errors in science, because there is too much obscure detail. But journalists are responsible for getting it right or saying nothing at all. Instead, journalists run wild with fraudulent science promoting absurdities in contradicting real scientists and engineers while scandalizing the critics as being anti-science.

After journalists indoctrinate the public on science fraud, incompetent scientists pretend to be substantiating the fakery journalists produced—as in thousands of scientific studies on something that does not exist—a greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.

In physics, the destruction of the underlying science was total, as there hasn't been an iota of correct physics produced since Newton's laws in 1687. A preposterous greenhouse effect in the atmosphere was one of the consequences. There is no scientific credibility to greenhouse gases, as real scientists have been saying for two centuries.

In biology, a large amount of evolved truth survives, and some areas are too complex for incompetents to take over. But chloroquine shows how much power incompetents around the periphery have in swaying the public.

Fascism Was Glossed Into Existence

In politics, conservatives hijacked the government by defying all laws and rules, as Trump reduced government to self-worship. Even though journalists are said to be primarily liberals, they did not go beyond scratching the surface, which wasn't enough to stop the fascism conservatives produced in place of constitutional democracy.

Journalists had a responsibility to properly inform the public. In science, they allowed nothing but corruption to prevail, because that is where the power resided. In politics, journalists grossly failed, because they would not get to the depth of the problem, which was fascism being railroaded onto society through the demagoguery of conservatives.

Journalists were conditioned by power to never get to the depth and essence of any subject, because there are moral implications to corruption. An unspoken rule of power which journalists have been adhering to is to never allow a moral implication to develop.

That standard stripped the essence from the conservative take-over of politics. The basic problem was extremely visible, but journalists would not touch the underlying causes. The essence of the underlying problem was that conservatives never have a method of getting to their claimed, magical results. Looking for a methodology, which journalists should have done, would have exposed conservatives for the frauds that they are.

Conservatives get elected by falsely accusing opponents. It was Reagan's ticket to success, and the railroad job hasn't stopped since.

Methodologies don't exist for conservatives, just claims and values. Conservatives have no method of getting to their claimed results, because they are too incompetent and corrupt to create or follow a described path including laws.

Accusing opponents is how conservatives get elected. Who solves the problems, when conservatives have no capabilities beyond accusing opponents? Conservatives are going to clean up the street riots that they created about like they cleaned up the pandemic.

Conservatives are the source of all, every iota, of social problems by destroying social programs, protective laws and a real economy which includes the lower classes.

Liberals cannot fix that much devastation. They used to have laws and programs for making progress. Conservatives destroyed them all.

Starting At The Endpoint

All corruption is rationalized at the endpoints, while pretending that the starting points don't exist. Conservatives always do that, since there is nothing justifiable in the prevailing state of the conservative cause. Unfortunately, journalists have also been operating at that standard in recent times, though there was some real journalism decades ago, which always requires accounting for starting points.

One of the most significant examples is the problem of border crossing. There is no mention of the starting points, while various persons on both sides of the political spectrum rail against the methodologies being used at the borders.

There are no solutions to the border problem under present conditions, where billions of persons are driven into poverty or refugee status due to every assault upon their existence imaginable. Wars are the most obvious problem, but many other causes exist including the destruction of governmental processes by totalitarian and fascists types of rulers and bankruptcies of countries through IMF type of loan sharking and fraudulent austerity measures designed to reduce governments and economies to rubble.

And where are the journalists? Now days with the fake critics who never mention the causes of the problem while blaming politicians, as if the flood of immigrants were determined by domestic political decisions.

Only truth solves the problems and ends corruption. There cannot be truth without the starting points being the primary concern. Cause-and-effect relationships are determined at the starting points, not the end points.

Where Fake Science Came From

The March To Fascism

Trump's Improved Economy

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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