The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  87

Corrupters Believe In Their Corruption

February 7, 2023

Corrupters assume their corruptions are solving their problems. Due to opposition, a lot of determination is added to the erroneous solution to their problems. The determination causes the corruption to be rationalized and believed in.

There is no analysis with the assumptions related to the virtues of corruption. Assumptions without realities are unrealistic; and of course, corruptions do not solve the problems of corrupters.

The erroneous assumptions of corrupters disconnect them from objective reality. Their existence is then about themselves only. Nothing is allowed to get in their way and no demands are allowed to be imposed upon them. They try to create a void of realities as a context for turning corruption into virtue.

Corrupters are obsessed with their personal problems. To start with, corrupters decide to cope with their inadequacies through shortcut methods using force to prevail against other persons. They create more problems for themselves by creating everyone else's problems.

Corrupters replace the realities of their problems with motives aligned on forces. Motives are a shortcut method of going around realities to get a more direct result. It's the same thing as criminality would be if more simple and obvious. But corruptions are complex, concealed and lied about with rationalizations which convert them into virtues. Corrupters convince themselves, and no one else, that their corruptions are the answer to something.

Not the least reason is because power is a drug which reverses the meaning of corruption. It takes power to impose corruption upon the victims. But corrupters assume there doesn't have to be victims to corruption, which of course changes the meaning from corruption to virtue—virtue being victimless solutions to problems.

The fact that there always are victims, and quite visibly so, is simply rationalized away in terms of enemies opposing the virtues. Corrupters assume enemies can be defeated and then victims disappear. The fact that no such thing has ever occurred is not relevant to them, because they haven't yet achieved the end-point of getting all their enemies out of the way.

The endlessness of the quest in getting the obstacles removed is assumed to be the only reason why corruption has a bad image. Without opposition, corruption is supposed to have a good image. That's why Reagan said "morning in America," when he got elected the second time. He assume people had finally seen the light and accepted the "new normal" that conservatives were promoting in removing all impositions from social existence starting with "getting the government off their backs" and related laws through so-called deregulation.

Allowing no impositions upon themselves is the essence of the conservative cause. Conservatives are constantly harping on freedom in their attempt to get out from under impositions. Instead of dealing with impositions in a rational manner, they try to eliminate the impositions. It's analogous to trying to eliminate the ocean instead of crossing it in a ship—and just as absurd, since the universe would need to be eliminated to eliminate impositions upon humans.

Of course, that is not what conservatives are assuming. They assume enemies are creating the impositions and getting rid of enemies will solve their problems.

The Reaganite conservatives had themselves convinced that their assumptions should be the correct view of normalcy and the old version of normalcy was a product of gullible persons being led astray by altruistic philosophies. "The good of all" was supposedly the ruination of man. Communism was assumed to be the political manifestation of that erroneous philosophy; so Reagan's primary focus was on defeating communism.

Even though communism no longer exists as an effective slogan for promoting the new normal, nothing about the purpose of corrupters has changed. Instead of communism, new boogeymans are being searched out to represent the opposing forces to the virtues of corruption.

Woke and cancel culture have that purpose. Those terms are supposed to represent the enemies of the assumed correct path in life that strips realities from the assumption that eliminating all opposition and demands placed on corrupters is the highest of virtues which must be imposed upon the social order.

In fact, not an iota of opposition can be allowed in promoting the assumed virtues of corruption, because truth is too easily generated by opponents and truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat. To eliminate the dangers of truth, a totally homogeneous social order is needed allowing opposition to be totally stomped out of existence.

Corrupters are on an endless quest to eliminate any iota of opposition through a totally homogeneous social order. That's why conservatives try to impose their values onto everyone. A totally homogeneous social order requires everyone to have the same values.

Opposition comes at corrupters through the reality medium. It's the reality medium that corrupters cannot tolerate, because realities expose them as the corrupters that they are. They want a void where no realities get in their way. Then they assume they can advance their motives uninhibitedly.

The end result that corrupters try to get to is uninhibited expression of their motives with nothing getting in their way. They don't realize that everyone has different motives, since values, complex realities and cultural differences create a diversity of purposes and motives, particularly since victims will have opposite motives from perpetrators.

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