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November 5, 2020

There are two alternatives for competitiveness. One works and the other is a disaster. Guess which one Trump goes for.

When competitiveness means producing better products at the best price, consumers buy more and businesses thrive. When competitiveness means screw everyone involved, consumers avoid the products and businesses fail.

So you would assume that no business would choose the second alternative; but of course, you would be wrong.

Why would some businesses choose a failing path? Because everything in life to corrupters is part of the same failing path. To not follow the failing path would be to contradict everything else corrupters do and self-righteously promote.

Corrupters believe in their corruptness. They talk themselves into higher expectations for corruptness. So they expect to get more out of corruptness; and when they fail, they find enemies to blame.

As the social structures deteriorate, the competitiveness deteriorates as functionality. Products become unusable, as social structures become nonfunctional. It's all part of the same set of values and standards.

Therefore, countries sometimes measure themselves in terms of the failures and stupidity in the U.S. and succeed by producing better results. Japan did so during the 1980s and 90s. They were leaving the U.S. industries in the dumps for competitiveness. Later, the shift in technology and globalization didn't work for a small country such as Japan. Japan has difficulty globalizing.

When Trump tells businesses how to operate, making them more competitive is not in the works. Improving competitiveness is highly complex and demanding, which obviously leaves out Trump. No, Trump expects to force everyone to go along with nonfunctionality and bankruptcy—the only things he is familiar with.

Trump's way of doing things isn't going to bring the manufacturing back to the U.S. Of course, nothing else would either or someone with half a brain would already have done so. Globalization isn't possible Trump style. Defying a globalized economy isn't possible. Adapting is the only thing that could possibly work. Adapting means a lot of rationality, evaluation, knowledge, competence, etc., which are not on the map of Trump and the corrupters.

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