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What Is Belief?

October 31, 2020

Corrupters actually believe in their lies and corruptions. They get extremely dogmatic and self-righteous in promoting corruption, because they believe in their corruptions.

But belief is not the same thing for them as it is for rational persons. It fills the same space but is vastly different.

The way it works is that minds have "pigeon holes" that need to be filled with beliefs; so corrupters put the wrong things in those spaces.

Pigeon holes don't actually exist in minds; they exist in realities. They are the answers to questions. Wherever there is a question, there needs to be an answer. The need creates the pigeon hole.

When someone determines what the answer to a question should be, it becomes a belief. They believe the result to be the answer to the question. But there are different ways to derive the answer.

Rational persons do an evaluation to determine what correct answers should be. They constantly improve upon their assumptions making corrections when they encounter evidence.

That isn't how corrupters arrive at the answers to questions. They are corrupters because of substitute methods of doing things. They need a substitute method of answering questions, since they have no ability to evaluate.

What then substitutes for evaluation for corrupters? Motives. With no other criteria to go by, pick the realities which serves the purpose best. Motives determine what serves the purpose for corrupters.

When picking realities aligned upon motives, corrupters re-align realities to enhance themselves and their power and to degrade their opponents.

Realities picked out of options can never be correct, because there is zero probability that randomness or any method of selection will fit properly into the infinity of objective realties. When aligned upon motives, the picked options for realities enhance the purposes of corrupters.

No one gains anything from corrupters enhancing their purposes. Which means the lies of corrupters are designed to be destructive no matter how much corrupters believe in them or how self-righteously they promote them.
Alternative Reality

The lying of the Trump Administration is said to be producing "alternative facts." The obvious untruth shows that there is a purpose. False realities are used for control. Corrupters are control freaks.

Using false realities for control is an attempt to align other persons upon purposes. Simply ginning up power through support is a large part of the purpose. Doing that is as old as human history. It's how dictatorial emperors such as Nero and Hitler mongered their power.

There is no identifiable difference between exploited, alternative reality of emperors and their beliefs. Extreme corrupters simply reshape reality for their purposes starting with control to a point of being worshipped.

Even the lowest dregs of degeneracy set up mini systems of worship. They sort the world around them in terms of insiders and outsiders. Insiders are built up and praised, while outsiders are degraded. It's no easy thing staying an insider without falling into disfavor, as Trump shows.

Colored Glasses

Corrupters don't see the same realities as rational persons see. Their erroneous assumptions and motives bring some realities forward and push other realities back to reshape the meaning of what they see. Even if nothing is missing in the image, the meaning is in what is more pronounced instead of what is less pronounced.

An analogy would be a painter looks at an automobile and only sees the paint—how uniform, how glossy, how bright, etc. A mechanic might only notice the sound of the engine—how smooth or rough, etc. An elitist might only see the upholstery—whether leather or fabric, etc.

Corrupters only see the power and exploitability in realities. They see objectionability in signs of enemies; wealth in signs of rip off.

When realities are not aligned upon objective patterns, there is no reason not to reshape the results for purposes.


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