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Corruption As Religion

December 9, 2020

The corruption of science is used as a religion by higher level corrupters. While religion is the only state of existence that corruption allows, it is accidental religion for lower level corrupters. It is tailored religion for higher level corrupters. Even then, they might not prefer the result to be called a religion; it just has the characteristics that developed religions have.

The characteristics of corrupt science are organized exactly as the major religions are organized. It's a necessary structure for the purpose. There would be subconscious lessons learned from real religions that are applied to the process of corrupting science.

Starting at the top of the structure, Einstein is shoehorned into the position of the Christ of science, while Max Plank is shoehorned into the position of god the father. You study physics the way theologians study religion or not at all. The not-at-alls are kicked out.

There is no relationship of Plank's constant or relativity to laws of nature. Those concepts are constructs for worship. Worship is the glue that holds the structure together. Worship is essential to the process due to the conflicts with objective reality.

Worship is the method used by all corrupters to eliminate opposition. The lowest level corrupters demand worship the most openly, while physicists try to finesse the process. Worship of the ruler was the only form of government Trump produced as a low level corrupter. His stupidity separated him from higher level corrupters such as physicists.

A belief system replaces evidence based evaluation in physics. It doesn't have the core of real belief that exists in normal religion, but there is an overlay of false belief in normal religion as well as physics.

False belief is the promotion of exploitable reality by corrupters. Corruption excludes real belief definable as a process of evaluation to determine what relationships to objective reality are. Since no such process exists in the minds of corrupters, false belief fills in the need for belief that is required for promoting realities in a semi-consistent manner.

Many critics of global warming fakery have noticed that the process is a belief system. The persons who adamantly insist on a particular set of realities cannot explain relationships to objective reality for their claims. The inability to explain translates into a belief system.

Similarly, there is no scientific explanation for relativity, while no one in science is allowed to dispute the claim. That's a belief system.

The need for a religious power structure prevents the falsehoods from being corrected. Corrected falsehoods would revert the subject to objective evaluation and remove the power from the control of corrupters.

In other words, it takes a religion to construct a power structure out of nonsensical complexities. The nonsensical complexities of physics replace the abstract complexities of normal religion. Just as normal religions require a certain type of structure to teach abstract complexities, physicists need that type of structure to impose nonsensical complexities.

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