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Sociology Of Corruption  75

Creating The Problem They Pretend To Be Fixing

November 25, 2022

Corrupters are doomed where truth prevails. Their primary method of defying truth is the mockery of accusing others of what they are guilty of. They reverse all realities involved attempting to create a muddle which cannot be straightened out.

That standard could be ended on a dime with proper journalism. Instead it is perpetuated by power mongering conspirators who took over the social structures including the largest part of mainstream journalism.

The most visible and recent example is conservative claiming the election was stolen, because they intended to steal the election. The fix is to prevent the lower classes from voting through modernized "Jim Crow" laws.

The most repeated example is the conservative's claim that they are for "law and order" and therefore stopping crime, while they reduced social structures to nonfunctionality attempting to remove any impositions upon themselves or limitations on their criminality. Nixon was hyping law and order in 1968, while he was thrown out as a criminal.

Conservatives create the crime problem by making life impossible for the lower classes and then embellishing the problem through destructive imprisonment.

Speaking in opposites is supposed to muddle a subject so thoroughly that no one can straighten out the mess. Trump does nothing but speak in opposites, because he can't fit into rational and law abiding existence.

Every example of that fraud could very easily be reported exactly as the fraud that it is. Two sentences would replace the fraud with truth. Some journalists were operating at that standard at one time; but as corruption overwhelmed the social order, the real journalists got replaced by conspiring incompetents who cast the frauds in a positive light through such mechanism as equating the frauds with normal and valid discourse, or pretending that two sides are equal in opposing each other, as if criminality were a political position.

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