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Conservative Fraud


July 22, 2022

Conservatives operate by fraud. Trump did not design the fascism that overwhelmed the social order; he was too incompetent to do anything but tweet name-calling and ridicule of his enemies. What he did was allow conservatives to have free reign where they were previously limited in what they could get by with.

The focus of conservative fraud is the claim that social assistance programs create dependency and allow the lower classes to refuse to work. Some states recently refused to accept federal assistance money for paying delinquent rent during the pandemic based on that claim.

The most significant fraud of that claim is the pretense that there is such a thing in the U.S. as social assistance or welfare that would allow anyone to not work. No one can live on the meager social assistance that exists or is even suggested in the U.S. Paying delinquent rent doesn't pay for nondelinquent rent.

It seems implicitly that conservatives are of the assumption that the lower classes live on air and any income or resources that they have is detrimental to society. Such an attitude can actually exist in the empty minds of corrupters due to the vagaries that go with ignorance.

Beyond the central point, the self-righteousness of forcing the lower classes to work indicates that the thievery that is destroying the social order does not exist or is a proper standard. The money supply has been drained from the economy by power mongering conspirators who pushed their way into the social structures money supplyand destroyed the functionality and competitiveness of the U.S. economy.

Corrupters are accusers. One of the labels for Satan in the Bible is "The Accuser." Corrupters accuse in an attempt to justify themselves by pretending that someone else is worse. That means the self-righteousness of accusing the lower classes of not working is supposed to be interpreted to mean the fascists who destroyed the social order are models of perfection. Otherwise, why aren't they mentioned before attacking the powerless nobodies who do not influence the state of the social structures.

(Accusing differs from criticism not only in the fraud but in the absence of explanations which would allow truth to increase.)

In attacking the lower classes, conservatives are trying to say that everything else is so spotless that it doesn't need to be mentioned. Accusing has that purpose.

So conservatives campaign for political office by attacking the lower classes. In that relentless drive, the pretense is that the only problem anyone has is created by the lower classes. That makes the frauds models of perfection, because nothing they do is on the list of accusations.

Fraud by authorities and government officials is criminality. Why aren't the conservatives in jail for their endless frauds? Conservatives created the worsening fascism that put Trump in power.

The reason why conservatives are not in jail for destroying the social order is demonstrated by Trump. Trump broke every law that applied to him as an ethic in life for the purpose of making laws meaningless and replacing them with the totalitarian Nazism that he strives for with his racism.

In spite of that fact, it would not be constructive for Trump to be tried as a criminal for the insurrection of January 6, 2020, because the social order is already too deteriorated to get a constructive result in trying to prosecute power mongers. Crime requires criminal intent, while power mongers supposedly never have criminal intent.

As a result, putting Trump on trial for the insurrection would do nothing but glorify his criminality for another two years and replace everything else society does, when more constructive work needs to be done. Trump on trial would make the O.J. Simpson case look like trivia by comparison. The Simpson case distracted from everything else; and Simpson was acquitted.

One of the reasons why Trump should not be put on trial is the journalists. They determine what the social realities are. In fact, they got Trump elected by focussing on him and giving him free publicity, while his competitors were shoved out of view.

The main problem with (mainstream) journalism is that it is a power structure. There is no such thing as constructive social power. Power promotes subjective influences and opposes rationality, because rationality exposes power mongers for the incompetent corrupters that they are.

Draining The Economy Dry

Why Nazism

Why A War Against The Lower Classes

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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