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Defining Fascism

April 12, 2024

When rationalizers want to avoid the word fascism, they define it away. Basic realities correct such rationalizing. When basic realities are applied to any subject, they are definitive, because they explain cause-and-effect relationships. That means definitions are only arbitrary when highly superficial.

The basic realities related to the subject of corruption show the characteristics of fascism and how and why it occurs. A simplified definition of fascism is, the socialization of corruption. Then the basic realities explain how and why that occurs.

Why say fascism is the socialization of corruption? The historical examples of fascism show that result. What fascists were doing is exploiting and building the socialization of corruption. That process is not instantaneous. It grows until a corrupter as an authoritarian tries to exploit the process by maximizing it.

Corruption is socialized by eradicating ordered existence as rationality, laws and social structures. Social structures are converted into power structures for the personal gain of incompetent power mongers at everyone else's expense. The result is chaos arbitrated by the whims of incompetent power mongers, which is authoritarianism and fascism.

Corruption always exists in some forms and at some levels. But normalcy keeps corruption in check. When normalcy gets overrun by corruption, socialization of corruption occurs. It needs to be called fascism, even if no one is using that label, because all of the detrimental characteristics of fascism exist at that point.

So the concept of normalcy needs to be explained. Normalcy is the result that the laws of the universe create. The universe defines life and the solutions to problems; and therefore, aligning upon the laws of the universe to sustain life by solving problems is normalcy. It's normalcy, because nothing other than that will sustain life by solving problems.

Rationality is the process of determining the related realities to the objective realities aligned upon the laws of the universe which define life and solutions to problems. Corruption is replacing rationality with destructivity, which includes a war against rationality, constructive laws and ordered existence.

Believe it or not, corrupters assume they can accomplish something in conflict with rationality, laws and ordered existence. They basically strive for chaos as the environment of solving problems. That's because corrupters are not only incompetent at producing rationality but exposed as the corrupters that they are where rationality exists. Secondarily, truth evolves from rationality; and truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat.

These basic realities are simple and invariable in the process of corruption taking over the social order. There aren't other alternatives to the social processes than rationality and corruption in conflict with each other.

What we see fascists doing is promoting and exploiting corruption for power. They can only do so when corruption has become significantly socialized; and they increase the socialization of corruption by attacking and destroying normalcy, laws and the social structures needed for solving problems.

Corrupters assume they can solve their problems by reducing the social order to chaos devoid of rationality, laws and ordered existence. They get that way by striving for power as a substitute for the rationality that exposes them as incompetent corrupters and defeats them in their attempts to acquire power through corruption.

When corruption gets significantly developed in a society, corrupters see it as an opportunity to harness the corruption for power. They equate the power that they gain from corruption with the ability to solve problems through corruption, which is objectively absurd. Since power makes them personally successful in prevailing, they assume power must be the solution to problems. It's mindlessness but the alternative to rationality through power mongering that corrupters strive for.

When we see corruption overwhelming the social order and incompetents promoting the process for power, it's fascism. Trying to define fascism in other terms defies the basic realities of what corruption is and what corrupters do to monger power.

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