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Disintegration Of The Healthcare Industry


December 6, 2022

The disintegration of healthcare began in the 1980s with the "new normal" of the Reaganites. The destruction of the healthcare industry followed the blueprint laid out by conservatives, as they took over the social order.

The main feature of the conservative drive was to strip accountability and ordered existence from the social structures under the pretext of free enterprise and "getting the government off the backs" of conservatives. Labor unions were destroyed under government auspices starting with the air controllers union. Businesses were aggregated under ever increasing behemoths which stripped competition from industry. Critical laws were thrown out under a pretext of deregulation.

The net effect was the destruction of rationality as a human relationship to the objective realities that define life through the laws of the universe. Corrupters replace ordered existence in the reality medium with subjectivity in a reality void and a force medium. Disconnect from objective reality promoted uninhibited "freedom" of corrupters allowing them to control human existence on the basis of whim with no accountability to anyone.

On that basis, incompetent corrupters took over social structures including corporations, organizations and bureaucracies replacing constructive purposes with power mongering purposes. The business model based on producing real results was replaced with personal exploitation by incompetent power mongers. Inefficiency with waste, fraud and abuse became the business model. The need to rip off everyone vulnerable increased endlessly. The endlessness extended farther in health care than other businesses.

The consequences in healthcare are only visible to the public as undefined, invisible, uncontrolled expenses that fly out of nowhere with no accountability. Here is an article by a physician that describes the transition from normalcy to corruption in the healthcare industry with suggested improvements:

A four-point strategy to disrupt and reinvent primary care. The Hill. by David Smith, opinion contributor - 12/06/22 (Article)

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