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Character Corruption

October 23, 2020

Corruption cannot exist without degenerate character, because people are harmed by corruption. Not caring is cold bloodedness ▼.

An attack upon character is not appropriate, because doing so would be too subjective and accusatory. Instead, objective reality is explained to indicate character, so the result is in the evidence that is indicated by the stated claims.

Not Trump. He attacks character with accusations which he does not explain and obviously are not true.

Trump is constantly degrading other persons' character, while he has the worst character of anyone who has ever been in government. No one would hire such a degenerate; only demagoguery would put such a person in government.

Is there, then, no stable concept of what character is? Why does character matter? Trump implies that character is everything, when he constantly attacks character.

An indication of character is in being right and constructive. The implication of being right and constructive is inherent in Trump's constant boasting of his fake results such as creating the best economy ever and controlling the pandemic.

Therefore, character can be defined in terms of being right and constructive. Does not right mean truthful? Trump systematically lies as an ethic in life. How could such lying not be an indication of degenerate character?

What it shows is that Trump's reality changes for every purpose. How could such screwed up reality not be an indication of the worst possible character?

Corrupters, by nature, reverse concepts in their attempts to portray corruption as virtue, which is obviously a main characteristic of Trump's. What then is the indication of character in reality reversals?

No one can act upon unstable and false realities. It's extremely obvious that Trump uses his reality mess for self-aggrandizement only. That means nonfunctionality. What could be a worse character flaw? It reduces existence to self-worship and throws a wrench in to all other human activity.

What it means is that, as Trump degrades other persons for their character, while he has no value for correct or stable reality, the other persons have much higher character than he does. In fact, would not Trump's attack upon the character of other persons be an attempt to compensate for his own degenerate character? It's extremely obvious that corrupters try to tear others down as their method of putting themselves above their opponents or victims.

Attacking other persons isn't the right way to run a government. It leaves out the constructivity. Yet it is the only thing Trump does. Even his trade agenda consisted of nothing but attacking other countries; there was no evaluation of complexities. The complexities would have shown that he had not the slightest ability to improve the trade situation through attack and beating up the rest of the world.

His claimed solution to the pandemic consisted of doing nothing about it. He did nothing but oppose scientists and call for opening the economy. He endlessly says that the pandemic is dying down, while it never is. That's doing nothing about it. His solution is to complain about others trying to do something about it.

Attacking, whining, opposing and lying is his methodology. That standard shows degenerate character by the criteria that it accomplishes nothing and obstructs the constructivity of others.

Trump's attack upon the character of other persons is obviously an attempt to compensate for his own degenerate character. When journalists quote Trump, they tend to imply a normal meaning to Trump's words. Words coming from such a degenerate source do not have the same meaning as words coming from normal persons. The attempts by journalists to represent Trump in a frame of normalcy is extreme misrepresentation.

Words coming from Trump carry the meaning of his purposes and corruptions as shown by his history. To not relate to Trump as the destructive fascist that he has proven to be is misrepresentation.

The logic of corruption is to promote what everyone else has been avoiding, such as tariffs, and pretend that promoting what others avoid is superior knowledge—a special knowledge by persons who can't understand or explain a subject or listen to an explanation. Adding such degeneracy to normal realities is a polluting process. To mix such realities and normalize the process is to promote the corruption.
Cold Bloodedness

What could be worse character than cold bloodedness—ripping babies from their mother's arms at the border, separating children from families at the border in defiance of the courts and locking them into death chambers for molestation and disease, sending vulnerable persons to countries which they know nothing about or face murder from criminals, ridiculing torture victims as losers and promoting torture of innocent persons, locking citizens out of the country while playing self-aggrandizement political games, forcing immigrants to work in meat packing factories without protective equipment, while their communities are ravaged by the virus, gassing and beating demonstrators on the streets for political showmanship, burning trillions of tax dollars on stock buy-backs to keep the money away from the lower classes while using the Wall Street gambling casino to measure his godliness, and then try to buy his votes by telling the lower classes, elderly and blacks how much money he is going to give them if they elect him again.

Why Demagogues

How Constructivity Works

Replacing Rational Existence

Beating Up The World

Getting Trade Agreements Wrong

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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