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Dumbing Down The Western World

April 7, 2024

As the western world was taken over by incompetent power mongers, they disconnected from objective reality and distracted themselves from rationality and relevance. At the same time, increased complexities and unsolvable problems greatly increased the demand for objective reality, rationality and relevance.

The result was dumbing down of the western world. The increase in stupidity has become a major obstacle in solving problems—not just in Trump's infantile ranting at the presidential level but the absurdity in responses to major problems at all levels.

Just as Trump's nonsense is reported as quasi normalcy, the promotion of fake science and technology is disgraceful. Engineers used to know that electric motors can never get more than 40% efficiency; and now laws require 96% efficiency. The latest aircraft carrier was supposed to have eight elevators for moving aircraft to the surface. They were reportedly constructed with magnetic lifts, while there is no such thing as magnetic lifts. So one normal elevator (presumably steam powered) was patched in afterwards.

Even if there were such a thing as renewable energy, there wouldn't be enough metal on planet Earth to begin the project of producing so-called carbon free energy. There is six times as much energy being used as fossil fuels as electricity. Most of that increase in electricity would need to be strung along highways to replace gas stations. The metal in the lines is too expensive to get two charging stations out there, let alone two million.

Kids should have learned how to add up those numbers in grade school. You determine how much metal one would take; and then you multiply times two million. The world's rulers are not up to that level, as know-nothings in the media determine what reality is for them. The know-nothings say electricity might need to be increased by 40%. An increase by a factor of six is 600%, not 40%.

The western world doesn't have a clue yet what globalized trade is. They assume they can get back to the 1950s and produce their own products instead of having Asia do it. That is analogous to Zimbabwe wondering a century ago why they shouldn't be producing the automobiles and washing machines instead of the U.S. Zimbabwe didn't have the capacity to replace the U.S. With globalization, the U.S. is where Zimbabwe was a century ago for production capacity. The U.S. doesn't have the capacity to replace Asia any more than Zimbabwe could replace the U.S. a century ago. The U.S. would need four billion workers and no parking lots to be on the same map as Asia.

So the planners of our lives expect to restart production in the U.S. And sell to who? To Chicago and Paris? At what price? Globalized trade doesn't work that way. Factories now days sell to a world of eight billion people, or they get replaced by someone else who does.

The U.S. doesn't have to do what Asia does. It had the potential to produce the innovative results. But instead of applying rationality to the objective realities, the incompetent power mongers decided to sell fraud instead. People can't drive electric vehicles; and so-called renewable energy does nothing more than destroy environments and resources.

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