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The DNA Problem

January 17, 2024

Cleaning up the gene pool is one of the methods of replacing rationality with fraud; and it is one of the main elements of Nazism.

Any corruption can be added to Nazism, since Nazism is the end-point that all corruption leads to in a complex society. The DNA problem is such a rudimentary and simple corruption that the Nazis openly promoted it. It gives them a target to blame for social problems and makes them superior persons as fixers.

Some persons assume that DNA determines intelligence, character and worth. That means the social order can supposedly be improved by getting rid of the inferior DNA. And of course, the only way to get rid of the inferior DNA is to murder those who harbor it.

Conspirators promote such corruption knowing how stupid it is, because they want useful idiots to break down the rationality which they try to eradicate from society. Getting know-nothings involved in the process washes their own hands clean, at least to the extent that the attention is focussed elsewhere.

The much more obvious example in the present society is having know-nothings push the greenhouse gas fraud and use it as a pretext for reducing energy and transportation systems to wanton waste. The conspirators assume they can handle wanton waste a lot easier than lesser persons can.

So conspirators go back some distance in deriving fake realities to feed into such nonsense as the DNA problem or the greenhouse gas fraud. To convince the unwary that DNA controls intelligence, the conspirators pretend to be studying how brain molecules think knowing full well how crazy the concepts are.

A whole area of study as quasi science is to analyze how the brain functions like a computer. No one who promotes that garbage could miss the fact that brains don't have switches or clocks as required for computers. Neurotransmitter junctions have the only purpose of tuning the intensity of nerve cell signals, as psychoactive drugs show. To assume nerve cell junctions could turn off nerve signals does not get to computer functions, because computer switches must redirect signals through multiple inputs or outputs, not simply turn off a signal.

If then brain molecules control thought, DNA controls thought, because DNA determines the nature of all biological molecules. That means intelligence and character could only be determined by DNA, if brain molecules control thought.

An interesting side point is how many persons believe the frauds and how many promote the fraud knowing that it is fraud. Some indications are that about ninety percent of the promoters of fraud are instigators and about ten percent are useful idiots who believe the fraud. How could ten percent be worth the trouble?

The reason why ten percent go-alongs could be worth the trouble is because they are the test of gullibility. Ten percent says there is something realistic enough about the frauds.

Another reason is because the ten percent who believe the frauds are more than enough to create the social image for the frauds. The extremes gain the attention, as shown by journalists who put Trump in power by eliminating everyone else from the media before the elections. Trump got free campaigning, while the others disappeared into oblivion.

So the Nazis added the DNA absurdity to their scheme as the pretext for exterminating their enemies. They were supposedly creating an Arian race through murder.

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