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What Dissociated Reality Is

April 13, 2022

There is no such thing as a contradiction for corrupters because of dissociated reality. That means corrupters cannot relate one thing to another. A contradiction is in relationships between realities. Dissociated realities do not have relationships between them.

Dissociated reality is lack of consistent reality in the heads of corrupters. Corrupters get that way by mongering power. Power unleashes destructive potential creating a flow of realities which are not aligned upon previous realities; so contradictions develop in realities.

Newly acquired or synthesized realities become disconnected when enhanced by power. In other words, power re-aligns realities for purposes; so realities are not aligned upon previous realities but in conflict with them.

The result is many conflicting realities due to realities being aligned upon motives instead of objective realities. Power is motive directed, which results in realities being motive directed.

Only realities which are aligned upon objective reality (laws of the universe) can be consistent. Power disconnects realities from objective reality creating conflicting realities.

Power requires imaginative realities, because objective realities dissipate power. Imaginative realities cannot have consistent relationships to them. There can never be more than one unified reality; and it is aligned upon the laws of the universe.

Therefore, power mongers are trying to destroy the meaning of realities rather than produce a real alternative to objective reality. The more ridiculous their realities are, they more they destroy objective reality. That's why corrupters do not try to be credible.

Yet corrupters believe in their own lies. Not at first, but over time. Over time, they embellish their lies infinitely and forget where the lies started. Then they assume there must be truth at the origins, while there never was.

Another method of producing dissociated reality is by picking it up from other power mongers, particularly the ones who impress gullible persons as knowing something which others don't know. Most physicists believe in relativity for that reason—it is fed to them constantly by authority figures, most of whom also believe in it. Corruption is a belief system.

Conspirators live in a world of broken realities where the pieces don't fit together. It's the only way they can get to the end points they want. In fact, they start at the desired end points and patch in bits and pieces of related realities as rationalizations. Claiming 1°C temperature increase for doubling carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is that way. There is no scientific logic to the method of getting that number. (Radiative Transfer Equations)

Doing that requires dishonesty. Power mongering conspirators are characterized by their dishonesty. It shows up relentlessly in spite of their attempts to look normal, because they have so many falsehoods accumulated that they can't break out of the endless requirements for dishonesty.

By contrast, rationality is starting at the starting points and living with whatever results can be produced with coherent realities. A lot can be accomplished that way; but it takes knowledge and the methods of increasing knowledge which are too demanding to get incompetent corrupters where they want to be.

The problem is most visible on a broad social scale, where power is used to destroy vulnerable countries with civilians paying the highest price, and then pretend that someone else doing something similar on a micro scale is the first example of a war harming civilians that has ever occurred and must be a result of war crimes.

Hypocrisy is how moralists have described the subject. Psychologists go into more detail under the heading of dissociated reality while aligning upon individual cases.

In physics, the pretense that contradictions don't matter is dissociated reality. The integrity of science is based upon its flawlessness. Then to admit that the wave theory of radiation is in contradiction to the photon theory of radiation is a contradiction of the standard of flawlessness of science. (Quantum Mechanics)

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