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Deterioration Of Standards

February 18, 2021

What has been highly noticeable lately is a deterioration of standards everywhere—in science, journalism, government, etc. Corrupters promote a deterioration of standards, not knowing what standards are but knowing that reductionistic corruption defeats their enemies.

Standards means alignment without deviation. Of course, the objective reality defined by the laws of the universe is what rational persons align upon. Corrupters do not align upon something different; they do not align upon anything.

One of the most obvious examples is the claim that renewable energy is on par with coal. Everyone knows that renewable energy is expensive. Extremely twisted logic would be required to explain how that result is on par with coal. But no explaining is done, while that base-line is "on par with coal," which is being imposed as the operating principle by corrupters.

Endless examples of absence of standards are found in the rationalizations for global warming, since that subject has been around a long time and is in advanced stages of imposed corruption. How can global warming create cold weather? Any old rationalization will do. After journalists impress the fraud into the minds of the public, fake scientists produce a supposed study that shows the effect.

The standards of journalism are deteriorating to such an extent that any motive will be promoted with little or no explanations. The exploitation aligned upon motives correlates with the deterioration of standards.

There is also the promotion of obtuseness, which is more visible in the political or social area. We are supposed to pretend that corporations burning tax dollars stimulates the economy. There isn't the slightest attempt to be rational in imposing that result, yet it has been repeated continuously since conservatives took over the world in 1981. Imposition through take-over and force replace credibility.

Beyond the official realities are the standards of social interactions. A new term for that is "gas lighting." It means construction of fake realities while accusing someone else of causing a problem over it. The origin is a story of someone creating fake gas lights and then accusing someone of lying about the gas lights. In other words, creating the problem that someone else is being accused of.

Fakery wouldn't be relevant if standards were expected and demanded. But a measure of social deterioration is the tendency to go along with absurdities without determining the reliability. The QAnon bunch never bothered to determine the reliability of their information sources.

Trump's claims of being robbed of the election have nothing for evidence, yet most Republicans believe the lie. There is a lot of ignorance required in not knowing that faking elections isn't possible in this country because of the extreme visibility and high degree of complexity that could never be achieved. Instead, conservatives prevent the lower classes and minorities from voting by using modernized "Jim Crow" procedures such as nothing realistic for voting opportunities and ridiculous standards. Stuffing ballot boxes isn't possible.

Why should know-nothings in peripheral journalism be imposing science and technology onto society? The new normal is for know-nothings to speak for scientists. That isn't possible. No scientists would be making the claims that nonscientists are making as supposed settled science, such as every weather event and other things being caused by carbon dioxide in the air. For that to be happening means there is nothing left of social standards.

Thousands of scientific studies have been conducted on something that does not exist—a fictitious greenhouse effect by carbon dioxide. There is no evidence of disagreement at this time. But that's after forty years of bringing fake science to the surface, preventing criticism in the media and degrading real scientists to a point of destroying them. When they can't get grants, they can't produce science.

Trash science has become normalcy in the global warming area. There are no real measurements. No measurements, no science. At first, the claim was that the danger is so extreme that science must error on the side of caution, which meant guessing and using invalid procedures (modeling) were better than nothing. Now those standards and procedures are viewed as normalcy.

Totally unrelated was fake Christianity overwhelming religion and dominating conservative politics over recent decades. Bottom dwelling bigots took over Christianity while focussing on conservative politics and attacking liberals. Standards of proper communication and rationality were nonexistent.

The similarities in what occurred in the corruption of global warming science and fake Christianity says there was an underlying social force that applied to both. The social force resulted form highly developed and exploitable power being taken over by incompetent corrupters, while criticism and corrective measures were almost nonexistent.

Suppression of criticism was highly visible in that process. Incompetent journalists were adamant that no criticism of global warming assumptions was to be allowed in the media.

That position is characteristic of conservatives. Conservatives cannot tolerate criticism. At this time, they are referring to criticism by liberals as "cancel culture," while conservatives cancel everyone and everything that is not supportive of their position. They cancelled immigrants, foreigners, food stamp recipients, minorities, all of the lower classes and democratic government. So they attack cancel culture as a projection of their corruption onto others. Their slogan for justifying projection is, "the best defense is a good offense." So they get highly offensive in destroying enemies while blaming them for their own corruptions through projection.

Why Greenhouse Gases Don't Exist

Other Factors Heat The Planet

The Failure Of Journalists

Firing Scientists

Why Truth Matters

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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