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Economic Fakery Of Conservatives

March 21, 2021

Conservatives use economics and taxes as their primary gimmick for justifying their corruptions. A noble cause is always the excuse for corruption, while the results are blatant destructivity. Don't actions speak louder than words? The results are not inconspicuous.

Trump and the conservatives would not allow their version of pandemic relief money to go to state and city governments, because supposedly waste in those governments would be rewarded. How is such waste defined? Corrupters never define anything. They produce mockery words which have no relationship to reality.

The result would have been the purpose. It always is. The result is that state and local governments were being drained for resources by disappearing tax base with businesses closed and new expenses in dealing with the pandemic. So they had to cut a lot of services. The result was the purpose—cutting services.

With all three branches of government being controlled by conservatives during the Trump years, they threw trillions of dollars (around 2.5 to 3 trillion) to corporations and then not a single Republican voted for the $1.9 trillion relief that Democrats produced.

The money spent by the Democrats had carefully defined purposes—so much so that Republican state governments are planning a lawsuit claiming the result prevents them from lowering taxes. The stipulation with the relief money to state governments says that if taxes are lowered, that amount must be returned. That doesn't prevent them from lowering taxes; it prevents them from using relief money to lower taxes. It shows how brainlessly irrational conservatives are.

Just as brainlessly irrational is their endless claim that corporations burning tax dollars will stimulate the economy. Why does the economy need to be stimulated whenever conservatives acquire power? The simple reason is because burning tax dollars has no real purpose other than preventing the money from being used for social programs.

There was nothing corporations could do with the government money but pad the pockets of administrators and invest in stock buy-backs which used to be illegal. Corporations could not increase their economic activity without more products being sold. Why would rip-off by administrators result in more products being sold? It never happens.

The pandemic relief designed by Democrats was earmarked for related expenses and problems including each person getting $1,400. That money goes into the purchase of products, which is the only thing that will stimulate an economy. Yet every Republican opposed it.

Corrupters use false realities to break down the rationality that defeats them so they can control and dominate without realities getting in the way.

That process is what their war consists of (which they don't want to fight with one hand tied behind their backs). They consider it to be the only realistic way of doing things, which is the underlying reason why they hate liberals.

Liberals demand rationality. It's why conservatives say journalists are liberals when they don't claim to be—because journalists have to try to produce rationality. Rationality is for fools, to corrupters.

Of course, defying rationality is a losing battle; but it does create the three second wins corrupters depend upon. Since the process is self-defeating in long-term effects, it requires extra-ordinary effort trying to succeed. Corrupters are extremely dogmatic and driven because of the impossibility of succeeding at turning corruption into virtue.

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