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Why Rip Off The Nobodies?

March 13, 2021

It seems strange that incompetent power mongers are hell bent on ripping off the nobodies and fighting a war against the lower classes on that basis. What do they gain from it?

Incompetent corrupters are incapable of evaluating such questions as what do they gain. They have a bunch of reactions that direct what they do in conflict with objective realities. The reactions string together in chains, where one thing leads to another.

Near the starting point of the chain of reactions that direct the paths of corrupters is the feeling of being left out of everything due to incompetence and corruptness. Trying to gain something from the worthlessness of incompetence and corruption is an extremely self-centered state. Corrupters do everything for themselves, though they aggregate with like-minded persons who enhance the power of numbers.

The reason why wrongs are wrongs under normal conditions is because everyone loses from them except the perpetrators who assume they gain something. Corrupters differ from common criminals in that common criminals know someone is being harmed by their result. Corrupters don't know that. Corrupters assume that if they gain, everyone gains. The conflicting realities are invisible to them, because they are cut off from objective reality by their stupidity and corruptness.

Corrupters assume no one should ever oppose what they do. But the victims oppose what corrupters do. Since corrupters don't assume there should be any reason to oppose what they do, the victims are nothing but trouble makers. Corrupters blame the victims on that basis.

Since the victims of corruption are, first and foremost, vulnerable persons in the lower classes, the problem comes from the vulnerable persons in the lower classes, in the assumptions of corrupters. Therefore, a war against the needy and lower classes exists.

Because of that perpetual and self-righteous war against the lower classes, corrupters do not want social effects of any type to benefit the lower classes. Included in what must be eliminated are functional products, social services, methods of survival and government assistance. What then is left? There isn't supposed to be anything left.

Corrupters strive for the absence of everything. Anything that isn't absent is a problem for them. Totalitarianism and anarchy show how the reactions take form.

Of course, everyone else notices that there is no such thing as the absence of everything and corrupters are greedy for what they want. That's a different analysis. Corrupters cannot compare one thing to another. There is no such thing as contradictions to them, because comparisons are needed to determine the existence of contradictions.

So corrupters want the total absence of everything to prevent opposition from developing, while they want endless rip offs for themselves. That's not a contradiction to them. Those are separate, independent realities to corrupters.

Getting to the starting point, ripping off the needy is a method of preventing social existence from developing in the lower classes. Social existence would be the presence of something that would create opposing forces to corruption. Rip-off obstructs the process of opposing forces occurring—at least when ripping off persons who are so vulnerable that there are consequences.

Ordered existence defeats corrupters. Order requires rationality. Corrupters are incapable of producing rationality. They defeat themselves when they try to. Any attempt at rationality shows the truth about themselves—their ignorance and incompetence.

So they lash out and promote motives. Promoting motives has the purpose of stripping realities from a subject. And it's so sanctimonious that no one dares defy their motives. In other words, everything they do is framed as the good of man and the solution to all problems.

What method was Trump going to use to make America great, put everyone to work and get rid of the rust belt? He never described a procedure. It was simply going to be his superior motives that would fix everything.

That's not how things are fixed. There has to be a method of doing so, or it doesn't happen. The method has to be aligned upon the realities, not the stupidity and fraud of corrupters.

It used to be impossible to describe corruption, because no one would be that way. Trump and followers show that corrupters are that way. QAnon more so. After four years of watching Trump destroy government, he got more votes than the first time. Corrupters are more that way than words can describe.

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